
Wow I'm watching the weirdest movie I never knew existed....?

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Its about a bunch of POW's in a n**i camp that agree to play a football match against a German team. The movie stars Michael Caine and Sylvester Stallone, as well as footballers Pele, Bobby Moore, Osvaldo Ardiles, and Kaka (no not the Brazilian one, as he wasn't even born when this movie came out, but the Polish one.) and a few others.

How the heck did I not know about this movie?? I'm shocked that I never knew this movie existed.




  1. movie is called '' ESCAPE TO VICTORY'' it was made in the early 80s i think, if memory serves me right the match was a 4 all draw.

  2. It is a great movie!

    Maybe you are too young??  maybe that is why you didn't know about this movie?

    I believe it is an 80's movie.

  3. LMAo really? Fuga per la Vittoria in italian and I saw it first when I was about 7. My Inter supporting aunt always watched it when we went summer holiday with her, EVERY summer and she owns the DVD. I last saw it about 4 months ago lol

    It's not a bad movie considering.  

  4. Yeah that's cool you like it ;)

  5. You just found out about this movie?

    Let me know when you want me to teach you a couple of things

  6. Stallone plays football???  

  7. you know, it's funny because my teacher just referred this movie to me ha ha what a coincidence

  8. lol do the n***s win?

    goal 2 is coming to  the US! ... i will watch only for the footballers, the movie is unrealistic and not that great but nick cannon is a arsenal footballer and iker is in the hot tub i have to see that :P

  9. You find Escape to Victory weird? Wait until you see, The Life and Times of Miz Boonz.

    And I'm just referring to the first part, when she was a guy!

  10. haha! i like bend it like beckham^^^^^^^^

  11. I know haha. I saw that while channel surfing years ago.  It's ridiculous.  

    The only decent football film I've ever seen was this one.

  12. then looks like to me u r wierd...

    i think it was released before any of the Rambo

    i think u dont watch more movies then..

  13. What's next for you Freshy? Bend It Like Beckham?  

  14. yeah shocker haha. well i saw  that a while back, my pops had the dvd. nice feel good footie film but try watching green st hooligans also. its more abt footie fans and stuff, but its also v good.  

  15. How can "Victory" be called the weirdest movie?  Geez, haven't you seen the trend in flicks lately?  

    "Victory" is the only decent soccer/football/whatever you want to call it movie.  If there are any other films at all about this sport, they suck.

    Next thing you know you will discover "Tron".  Now THERE is a weird flick, being inside a computer and all.  Greetings, programs!

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