
Wow Sarah Palin's daught is pregnant and she's a high school drop out is anyone still voting for them?

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I know she's 17 and that "family shouldn't matter in politics but apparently it does. If Palin cannot control her own daught how is she ready to be VP?




  1. Are they the first family to have a daughter who got pregnant? Can every parent "control" their teen age children. I don't think so. I think that makes them more like a real family to the American Public than most. I, for one, am not going to focus on the families of the politicians, but on the issues.  

  2. I agree that Palin isn't ready to be VP, but that's due to her lack of political experience and naivete on the issues, not her pregnant daughter. However, her daughter ought to be commended for not having an abortion.

  3. The WHOLE Pregnancy "Scandal" didn't phase me at all...Teens sometimes do things their parents don't agree with...BUT dropping out of School is SOMETHING Parents have control over....NOW I DO SAY SHAME ON HER PARENTS FOR ALLOWING HER TO BE A HIGH SCHOOL DROP-OUT!!!!

  4. So Obama exposing his children to a racist like Jeremiah Wright is good parenting.  Move on.


  5. How many families in Amerca have had a pregnant teenage daughter?

    Makes no difference to me. I am still voting for McCain/Palin.

  6. At least her mom won't be sitting on her HIGH HORSE anymore.

    MCain should have chose Pawlenty instead of the DRAMA QUEEN.

  7. Apparently you are not the parent of a teenager.

    I can't support McCain/Palin because of her rigid social views, but any parent that thinks they are in control of their teen is in serious denial.

  8. Isn't it funny when people spell it "retarted" or "moran", lol.  

    I'm not voting for them.

  9. who cares!

  10. Well, given that the alternative is/was a crack addict..  If Obama can't control himself, how can he control the country.

  11. Does it matter that Obama's mother was also an unwed teenager when she got pregnant with Obama? How about that Obama's grandmother could not control her own daughter, letting her get pregnant. This same grandmother played a large role in raising Obama, and she taught him his early childhood values. How does that reflect on Obama's judgment and character?


  12. umm...that doesnt really look like her...

  13. I agree with the statement that family shouldn't matter but when you prime yourself as the family value candidate and then this is disclosed, it is nothing less beign a hypocrite!  Just as she wants to decide within her own family how to deal with this situation, I would want MY own choice to make that decision with my daughter.  She is not someone I want making any decisions on  my behalf!

  14. I think the Palin family has handled this very well  - I voting for McCain/Palin not Bristol Palin.

  15. You might want to look at Obams voteing base...where do  the largest number of teen pregnacies occur? MINORITY communities! So I guess you have now succeeded in insulting them as well--they obviously could not control the daughters.Yet,liberals,up till this point, have had no problem with young women who have chosen to spread their legs as a welfare career fact, they have condoned you think you are better ? has something in your life deemed you superior? You guys really know how to Unify!

  16. Oh I know.........Her kid is a s***k with no edcation. I was voting Mcain, but now I won't he lost my vote. Obama 08.

  17. Yes they will still vote because most Repubs are teenage mothers and high school drop outs....So they totally understand

  18. You get your information from perezhilton? Try a more bogus site.........

    Also, learn to spell its daughter not daught,

    Final line...

    Don't trust stupid celebrity sites for political information....

    Obama 08.

  19. didnt know her daughter was running.

    Obama said "keep family out of this"

  20. Nice try, now grow up

  21. The pregnancy of Palin's daughter highlights the foolishness of an "abstinence only and no s*x ed. in the schools" approach. Since that is Palin's public position, how could she possibly defend it now with a shred of logic or even a straight face?

    It just doesn't work with teens and it didn't work with her daughter, who was 16 when she got pregnant. That speaks to Palin's lack of judgement. McCain's choice of Palin speaks to his lack of judgement.

    There will always be people who will vote for any ticket, no matter how ill-advised it is, so don't hold your breath for the McCain/Palin supporters to change their minds. The operative word is "minds".

  22. Hey, moran, we are not voting for the daughter.  DUH!!!!

  23. If u are a serious voter , Palin,s daughter pregnancy wont do any harm, voters with children know that it can happen to anyone, same thing with drugs and alcohol, the only thing parents can do is talk to their kids but at the end they'll do whatever they want. Is not Palin's fault that her daughter is pregnant, please...

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