
Wow help me if you work at Quiznos

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my manager at quiznos says that ill be fired if i dont memorize everything in 1 week and im on day 2 and still having trouble with most of there things how can i get faster cuz i need this jobbbb ?




  1. you need to just keep working at it..

  2. there is no real way to memorize it, it just depends on the frequency of customers ordering the specific items. and no i dont work at quiznos but i eat there alot. lol

  3. It’s frickin’ Quiznos. I’d tell him to shove it up his *** if he tried to put me under that kind of pressure for such a low paying job.

  4. It sounds like you're not getting antiquate training. That boss of yours is a little harsh.

  5. He's trying to scare you, don't worry about it. Just be competent, show up everyday on time and work hard. Call his bluff, most bosses love to BS about firing people. They hate to do it because that means they lose a good worker because they did something stupid. You sound like a person I'd keep, don't worry about losing your job if you don't know mushrooms go in a Chicken Carbonara.

  6. I got news for you - Quinos may not be around too much longer - they're closing all over the place. Better consider another chain.

  7. make flashcard with the menu item names on one side and the ingredients on the back. take them with you wherever you go. even if you can't study them all day, they are so portable that you can take them with you wherever you go and you can squeeze some studying in. good luck!

  8. Ask if you can have one of everything on the menu because 'the taste of everything will help you remember them better'.

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