
Wow how "brave" is this IDF soldier , the 10 year old boy must have frightened him soo much he shot him?

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  1. Sounds typical of these people !

  2. Wow how brave was this Palestinian gunman who entered a peaceful Israeli high-school and slaughtered multiple, defenseless children?

    It's horrible when people die, but don't be a pathetic misinformation-slanted reporter and paint Israel as the only aggressor while the "Palestinians" are the poor victims. That said, it is horrible that a young child was killed. (Hopefully he wouldn't have grown up to be a suicide bomber...)

  3. Very Brave, like huge amount of soldiers who have shot at unarmed kids around the world for centuries. All them brave South African soldiers that shot at people for decades. Just like the British soldiers that shot at unarmed people in Ireland, India and so many places over the centuries.

    Lesson seems to be from History that soldiers are trigger happy child killers.

  4. The boy is a hero.

    He was protesting the invasion of his home in the only manner in which a 10-year-old boy was able to.

    The Israelis are "clearing land" for the barrier which they have absolutely no right to put up.

    It's not their land, it never was, and no matter how many innocent Palestinians they butcher - it never will be.

    I ask the "brave Americans" in the audience - is a person not supposed to protect his home?

  5. The IDF is a terrorist organization all they do is shoot little kids, babies and families who are having a picnic on the beach.

  6. it was a nice shot

  7. Very mean and cowardly action of the  IDF

  8. Here is yet another case of brutality by the Israeli army and every time something like this happens the "caring" government say that they will carry out a full investigation. Result. Nothing ever happens. Yes a little boy aged 10. How "brave" these excuses for soldiers are .I ask our American users to just look at the links.

  9. have you ever been to the middle east?  It's a completly different world.  When that kid picked up that rock, he wanted to do some serious harm.  Have you ever had a rock thrown at you?  I can't imagine it feeling very good.  And of course this is the media, so you are probaly only hearing half of the story.

  10. It is well known that Israel shoots kids as a terror tactic, over 2000 shot in the past few years.

  11. His mother told him not to go there, and he did. The soldiers fired tear gas to warn them several times. It's the protesters goddamn fault.

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