
Wow i used to think christians were the serious ones, i think some atheists are too, do you?

by  |  earlier

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just asked a fun question, about us atheists having a party in h**l, and got some ridiculous boring serious answers i.e atheists dont believe in h**l!

Rather than just having fun with the question!!

I used to think it was just the christians who could never take a joke and always answerd so seriously!!

I think...................some of the atheists do to?

Do you? Does anyone else get annoyed at the seriousness of some people in their answers?




  1. The serious answers is why I come to R&S their the fun ones to read. And I get a laugh out of from both sides. It is to serious in here sometimes.

  2. I know right! you get some atheists who are so against religion it's almost funny. the most into that debate I get is the whole "love thy neighbor" issue

  3. When you've seen the same question 30 times in the last week... ;)

  4. I think it's like any group - some are going to be deadly serious, some are going to have more fun even at their own expense.

    When a question looks like an opportunity for some fun to you, it is frustrating to see serious answers ... but I'm sure there's some "joke questions" that I've completely missed the point on before!

  5. Did you think that you would get laughs and kudos? And yeah, that question is annoying in itself because it's been asked too much.

  6. Well, keep in mind we can't see your impish smile when we read the question.

    Sometmes it is hard to tell when a question is straight or just goofing.

    ALso, it is sometimes annoying when all the questions are just goofing.

    Re: christians vs atheists and which is"too serious",  

    Come on. Like almost every other stereotype you can imagine, there are actually all shades of gray on both sides - sorry.

  7. It's not their religion, it really entirely depends on the person.

    For example, I thought black people can't take black jokes. Turns out they actually can! When they're in a good mood anyway.

    Same with me, in a good mood I can take asian jokes.

  8. "Rather than just having fun with the question!!"

    Kid, we get that much c**p thrown at us by godsters there are some among us who take things too seriously sometimes.

    I saw that question - I chose to move on.

    Is there a chance you didn't expect serious answers?


  9. In general I'm very pro humour but that particular question is old as stone. A joke's only funny for so many times..

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