
Wow. . . oh my. Why am I crying?

by  |  earlier

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I've watched several movies before and I've shed a tear or two before.

But seriously. . . I'm watching a movie right now and I started sobbing. Literately. And I didn't even realise it for a minute! What's wrong with me?




  1. your harmonal !!!  

  2. Sometimes it just happens. :) I never cry at movies, even the real tear-jerkers, but sometimes I'll sniffle at homeless animal commercials and I completely lost it while watching the movie 'K-PAX'.  

  3. Why are you wasting peoples' valuable time asking a pointless question. It's obviously because you connected with some part of the movie, it doesn't matter who you are, if you can relate to something, it's going to touch some emotional part of you.

  4. What movie is it? I almost started crying during Swing Vote so sometimes the shortest scene can touch your heart.

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