
Wow the McCain camp just took in almost 68 million in the last 2 days, the smear against Sarah is not working?

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As a matter of fact I think it is hurting Obama, just heard on BBC that Obama is going down in the polls!




  1. well the good news is once the smoke clears on this issue, and THINKING people realize just how CONSISTENT Sarah is in her views regarding the sanctity of human life...this WILL become a non-issue for most people...

    ON THE OTHER HAND...I can't wait for the debates where Barry and his hatchetman will actually have to ANSWER substantive questions (okay we may have to wait awhile, the LEFTIST Media branch of the Federal Government will have to mistakenly give the SENIOR SENATOR and the ONLY EXECUTIVE on either ticket something they can expand on and expose the Barry BACKSTORY... BUT IT WILL HAPPEN)...

  2. Yes. Their intolerance and hatred are causing a backlash and Obama will continue to slide as they continue there Liberal hypocrisy.

  3. Cite your source. McCain campaign took in $47 million in the entire month of August; their highest ever. Obama campaign took in $50 in July and haven't yet released the numbers for this month. They are expected to shortly. See link below for reference.

    Gallup USA has Obama leading McCain by six points. See link below.

    I'm sorry if you think that reality has a liberal bias.

  4. Wrong. The money taking in was for RELIEF EFFORTS down in the Gulf. Obama's eclipsed that amount by a factor of 3.

    The smear against Palin IS working and Obama is still ahead of McCain in the polls.

  5. Did Cindy cash in one of her trust funds?

  6. BBC is British Broadcasting Company. That's where you are getting your news? This is America.

  7. You can say "ta-ta" to Obama.  He's on his way out...and rightly so!

  8. The smear against Sarah started today.

    Come back in two days.

  9. Obama is far ahead still. She is crazy and a liar and will set back women fifty years. Good luck to you all if you think your country is at risk for terroism can you imagine Donna Reed with her beehive running your country. Very scary. God help you all.  

  10. That's funny considering the Telegraph is reporting that he took in $10 million.

  11. ... That's not true. In the last two days John McCain has taken in 10 million. And Obama is still up six in the polls. Where are you getting this?

  12. I think you heard wrong, sorry.

    There's no way that'd be possible or that they'd have it figured out so quickly.

    Link, please.

  13. things wont take efffect until later and also polls take about 3-4 days to take effect... nice try tho =>

  14. as in smear you mean fact?

  15. I don't know that for a fact, and am cautious, but I like to think most Americans have utter contempt for rumor-mongering, slander, libel, name-calling, the modern "guilty until proved innocent" so loved by socialist countries throughout history.

    Some Republicans tried that when President Clinton was in office.

    They paid for it by spawning a new generation of political bigotry when President Bush was in office.

    I have nothing but contempt for any of it, and hope you feel the same and speak up in your own party when you see it.

    I apologize in advance, since you will probably be called a Democrat for it.

    I get called a Republican weekly because I speak up against such behavior, because they just don't understand they are doing more damage to the party than anything I can say.

    I don't hate half the country, and find such political bigotry really divides the country into two camps.

    Patriots (Democrat and Republican and others)


    Political bigots

    Don't tolerate it.  Anywhere.

  16. That is so funny , where is your link?

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