
Wowwww i love how people are so rude.?

by  |  earlier

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dont u love it when people come here to get advice on tattoos people say dont get them and call them trashy??? like hello, YOU are not going to change peoples mind on wheather they are getting a tattoo or not. they are asking usually for advice, not asking if they should get a tattoo. tattoos arent trashy, so cant all of you people who say they are go to another topic?!!!?stop wasting your time being rude, and go to the fashion and beauty one, seriously. its really annoying when every other answer is discouraging people to get tattoos. grow up. do you honestly think you, as a person, online, a NOBODY is going to change someones mind about getting a tattoo they want? i think not..thankssssss




  1. Well than dont ask questions. Obviously some losers are going to be rude.

  2. YES!

    they dont know a thing,

    they shouldnt even bother even answering

    i dont care about other's opinions at all

    people should know that all of us have different tastes

    and they shouldnt insult what other's like,

    we can define ourselves with tats,piercings and wle

    they're just really ignorant.

    to all the people who rant on shiet like that,

    we dont give a F u ck

    on your d**n opinion!

  3. If you cant take the heat get out of the kitchen

  4. Listen to Jen McB, she has the best point.

    Even if I had a tattoo I wouldn't want to be associated with you. You sound very hostile and unopen. People have diverse opinions, what's new with that? People are mean, so shut up.  

  5. haha ha hahahahaha ....and ha. wow but you love how rude they are so you enjoy it. i enjoy it. it's fun reading other peoples complaints. like yours. complaining about the people that complain. it's great. it's what makes the world go round. mountain out a mole hole.

  6. chillll girl i cant believe u jus wrote all that wut difference is it gonna make now?

    just bcuz u say all that doesnt mean people r gonna listen nd not be rude..nd for the people that ask for opinions about a tatoo OTHERS HAVE A RIGHT TO SPEAK THEIR MIND otherwise get off yahoo ansers u need a phsycitris

  7. they are just giving their opinions  

  8. I agree, I hate that. You ask for advice and you get stupid, unwanted comments. That's not what I was looking for, but thanks for wasting your time.

  9. I know totally. People are sooo retarded.  

  10. i know right me and my friends don't understand y our parents get all mad @ ppl wit tats when over half of those parents hav tattoos!! who knows?

  11. and your not going to change peoples options either so get over it.

  12. I'm far more annoyed by people that ask a question on a public forum, then get all butt hurt when they get negative responses.  If you don't like people that disagree with tattoos and voice their opinion on it, then don't pose the question to an open public.

  13. you should get a tramp stamp

  14. I posted something similar last year, I believe. And..yep. Same answers.

    Sucks, doesn't it?

    I do agree with ya, darlin.  

  15. That's why it's called ANSWERS.Hello? are you there? Of course it won't change anyone's mind.Get over it! Gotta love RUDE PEOPLE!!!

  16. I posted a question like this awhile ago.  Needless to say, i agree 100%.

    Having opinions is one thing, but using tact and knowing what is and isn't appropriate is another. People just don't understand that and they never will.  Ever.

    And don't be surprised if/when this question gets reported too.  Expressing disgust for people who abuse Y! with their rudeness is against the rules!

  17. yeah stra8 up owel *** em all dats wat I say!! haha

  18. HELLLZ YAHH GIRRLY! tatts are wonderfulllll

  19. Everybody has to w***e out their 2 cents worth. Fact of life honey.

    If you look underneath the answers there's an icon of a 'thumbs-down'. Press it and voila - it disappears! Now you don't have to read the bad bad answers. Problem solved.

  20. Agreed.  You'd think they'd have something better to do with their time.

  21. gosh they are peoples opinions, ignore them if you cant take them. i personally dont mind a small tatoo but an armfull or a tramp stamp somethimes looks bad. any why bother saying this? its not gonna stop anyone. AND YOUR THE ONE WHOS BEING RUDE.

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