
Wrecked without car insurance....=/

by  |  earlier

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My little brother was driving today and got into an accident. Apparently he thought my mom had covered the car as a family plan but found out he had no insurance. He just bumped the rear bumper and scratched off some paint but the police were called, and they didnt ask him for his insurance just for who he was covered under, and he told them STate Farm thinking he was.

They dismissed him from the scene and now my mom is yelling she's never had him on insurance apparently it was his responsability lol...

Anyways just curious, he got a fine for the violation, what should he do to fix this and what can he do? Also what do we expect from this accident?

Thanks in Advance!




  1. Your brother is most likely covered under your Moms insurance whether she knows it or not.   Your brother should have been listed but even if he wasn't, most likely he will be covered.  Because your Mom didn't list him,  may be a cause for State Farm to cancel her policy (after they pay) and also to charge her for the added risk since the day your Brother received his drivers license

  2. Hopefully no one was injured (it doesn't sound like they were)

    He can expect to pay the other person for the actual cost to repair their vehicle.  He can ask them to get quotes from a couple shops to determine what the amount to repair it is.  He is VERY lucky, and I am very suprised that the officer didn't require him to give the other person his specific insurance information.  Then he would have gotten more than a traffic ticket.

    Hopefully, he is getting insurance today to cover him for the future.

  3. If he is still in school and living at home, your mother just about has to include him in her policy. When I had State Farm they required all family members, licensed and living at home, to be included on the policy. The only way they'd allow you to not do that was to put a clause in the policy which specifically denied they would ever drive the car and denied them coverage if they did drive it. I have talked to some people who said State Farm and other insurance companies, wouldn't even let them use the exclusion, just insisted they include everyone. Also he can't have a separate policy on your mothers car. One policy per car.

  4. Any licensed driver LIVING in the home of the insured person MUST be named on the policy. Any licensed driver NOT living in the home of the insured does NOT need to be named on the policy. ANY licensed driver is allowed to drive the vehicle. All your mother needs to do is contact her Insurance Agent & add any licensed driver LIVING at her home. There may be a slight increase in the premiumdue to any underage drivers.

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