
Wrestler at olympics cut 10 pounds in 90 minutes’ time?? wat does that mean??

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on Yahoo news, " American whiz kid Cejudo wins Olympic gold"

and he "—he cut 10 pounds in 90 minutes’ time on Monday to make weight—"

Did he LITERALLY lose 10 pounds in 90 minutes????

Can this be used on people in general who want to lose weight ;]?





  1. cutting 10 pounds in 90 is losing all your excess water weight by sweating it out.  Usually wrestlers will start a week out at about 20-30 pounds over their weight limit and lose it gradually during the week up until weigh-ins.   Because this is unsafe, collegiate and high school wrestlers have a body mass indexes that monitor their hydration to make sure they are staying healthy.  

  2. wrestlers do this all the time. when i was a kid we used to wrap our bodies in garbage bags and run and run and run. the weight you lose is water weight. it isn't healthy to do. after they make weight they down tons of water to rehydrate themselves.  

  3. It does mean he lost the weight. A normal person can do this, but it is not safe and really shouldnt be done. These fighters usually sweat out the weight (sweat suit in a sauna, etc) just to make weight. The problem with this for normal people is that this is just water weight. The weight will come back and it is not healthy to lose that much weight that fast. Also, typically, the fighters put this weight right back on either before or after the fight.  

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