
Wrestlers- face, heel? +WQ?

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WQ: Who was the best face and heel wrestler of the 90s could come from WCW WWF or ECW? Also would you pay to see Austin vs Goldberg or ---- Goldberg vs Taker


Hey guys do you have a favorite wrestler then answer this question:;_ylt=AuEYY1KHhN4Fcx6Tu8RkoTJMxQt.;_ylv=3?qid=20080831212222AACg8nU




  1. Best Face: The Rock and Triple H

    Best Heel: Vince McMahon and Triple H

  2. I watched WWF and some WCW with a friend who was big on it.  Enough to keep abreast on general things though...

    WWF Face: Bret Hart - It's really hard though because you have to pick someone from the early 90's because in the mid to late 90's they were pushing Steve Austin who would be considered the face, but not in the true sense of the word, and DX was the face group, but again not true to the sense of the word.  But Bret was loved, especially by the Canadian audience, and he wouldn't really subject his character to becoming the "heel".  Note that Owen was developing into a great face until his tragedy.

    WWF Heel: The Rock - Hands down it was The Rock.  His charisma propelled him into "best heel of all time" category.  Everyone hated him so much, but ended up loving it!  It was truly amazing.  Kudos to Mr. McMahon who was a brilliant heel and Triple H who was very good.  But McMahon was more like a "manager face" and not a "wrestling face" because he didn't wrestle with regularity.

    WCW Face: Hogan - probably the biggest face of all time, so clearly the choice.

    WCW Heel: Hogan - when he transformed into a heel, he already had a huge fan base and this just caused him to be an even bigger heel.  There was such a big controversy over it, the "how could you hulk?" people.  And then people ended up embracing the whole NWO deal and he was a famous heel.  I remember in the "Hulk Still Rules" DVD how controversial it was for him as well.  There have been better "heel actors" than himself, but he was the most notorious based on how big of a face he was.


    Austin vs Goldberg: Oh yeah, i dreamed of this match back in the day.  Top promoted superstars in each federation, blockbuster right there!  Now they are over the hill, especially Austin with his health problems, so the match wouldn't be as good today (though it would certainly draw), but definitely in their primes.

    Goldberg vs Taker:  Today, or even a year or two ago, it would be a good one.  They are both so powerful and intense.  But back during the Monday Night War, not such a great match (still worth seeing though) because Taker has really developed himself into a top power wrestler in the past few years.

    Ahhh, the good old days of wrestling....

  3. Best face in the 90's -- Sting.

    Best heel in the 90's -- I'll have to go with Hulk Hogan as leader of the nWo.  He got more heat than anybody else.

    I would pay to see both of those matches, especially Goldberg vs Undertaker.

  4. Best face had to be The Rock.  Even as a heel people loved him.  HHH makes such an awesome heel.  You just love to hate that guy.

    Now Early 90's I'd have to go with the Million Dollar Man as the best heel and Tito Santana as the best face.  

  5. Well, I don't know abut that. lol

  6. r u g*y?

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