
Wrestling: A face or a heel? 10 Pts?

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I dont understand what those are... Can someone explane that?

Well I kinda do

But like,

John Cena is a face

Randy Orton is a heel


But I dont get what Undertaker is and a few other wrestlers because Undertaker, alot of people like, but he is like bad and scarey to the other wrestlers.

But what are these wrestlers (right now currently)?-



Shad and JTG


Vince McMahon




  1. face





  2. some people are heels and people still cheer...and sometimes the faces are a bit scary and people don't entirely like them.

    Taker is face. yet he can be scary to some. he's still face.

    Kane at the moment is now heel...he was face.

    shad and jtg are both face.

    carlito ...i can't even remember what he was last..where the heck has he been...he's been both many times.

    vince is heel...well he's not really either...but if he was considered one of them it would be heel.  

  3. Face=Good Guy

    Heel=Bad Guy



    Shad and JTG=Faces


    Vince McMahon=Tweener=Good and Bad Guy

  4. A Face, Is A Good Guy, A Hero

    A Heel, Is  Bad Guy, A Villan, An Antagonist

    It Doesn't Matter What The Fans Think Of Them, It's Purely Based On Storyline, so Undertaker, is a Tweeneer(1. either a person who goes back and forth, or 2. a person who is undecided.) See Taker Doesn't Care What People Think, But He is More Of A Face, Cause People Like Him.




    Cryme Tyme-Face

    Carlito- Heel

    Vince- Heel

  5. heel is a bad guy, a guy who gets booes from the crowd. face is the opposite, loved by the crowd.

    taker- face

    kane- heel

    cryme tyme- face

    carlito- heel

    vince- tweener, thats both face and heel

  6. In professional wrestling, a heel is a villain character.[1] In non-wrestling jargon, heels are the "bad guys" in pro wrestling storylines. They are typically opposed by a babyface or more simply, face (crowd favorite). Some tweeners exhibit heel mannerisms. Heels are often portrayed as behaving in an immoral manner, breaking rules or otherwise taking advantage of their opponents outside of the bounds of the rules of the match. Others do not (or rarely) break rules, but exhibit unlikeable personality traits. No matter the type of heel, the most important job is that of the antagonist role. Heels exist to provide a foil to the face wrestlers. If a given heel is cheered over the face, a promoter may opt to turn that heel to face, or to make the wrestler do something even more despicable to encourage heel heat.

    In professional wrestling, a face or babyface is a character who is portrayed as heroic relative to the heel wrestlers, who are analogous to villains.[1] Not everything a face wrestler does must be heroic: faces need only to be cheered by the audience to be effective characters. The vast majority of wrestling storylines place a heel against a face.

    Wikipedeia is great ain`t it.

    Undertaker:The biggest face in the company.  You wont find many peole who      ol`e `Taker

    Kane:He turned heel when he said he killed Rey Rey.

    Cryme Tyme:They may steal stuff, but the fans love it so they are faces.

    Carlito:He cheats and the fans      him so he`s a heel.

    Mr. McMahon:Was a heel until he started giving away money, then people loved him.

                                  Hope that helped:)

  7. In professional wrestling, a heel is a villain character.[1] In non-wrestling jargon, heels are the "bad guys" in pro wrestling storylines. They are typically opposed by a babyface or more simply, face (crowd favorite). Some tweeners exhibit heel mannerisms. Heels are often portrayed as behaving in an immoral manner, breaking rules or otherwise taking advantage of their opponents outside of the bounds of the rules of the match. Others do not (or rarely) break rules, but exhibit unlikeable personality traits. No matter the type of heel, the most important job is that of the antagonist role. Heels exist to provide a foil to the face wrestlers. If a given heel is cheered over the face, a promoter may opt to turn that heel to face, or to make the wrestler do something even more despicable to encourage heel heat.

    In professional wrestling, a face or babyface is a character who is portrayed as heroic relative to the heel wrestlers, who are analogous to villains.[1] Not everything a face wrestler does must be heroic: faces need only to be cheered by the audience to be effective characters. The vast majority of wrestling storylines place a heel against a face.



    Shad and JTG=Faces


    Vince McMahon=Tweener=Good and Bad Guy

  8. a face is a good guy and a heel is a bad guy. yea possibly undertaker could be heel to other wrestlers. undertaker is a face. kane is a face. shad and jtg are faces. carlito is a heel. vince mcmahon is most likely a heel.

  9. undertaker is face

    kane heel (h**l) lol XD

    cryme tyme face

    carlito heel

    vince face

  10. Taker is A Tweener...he attacks whoever goes for HHH

    Kane is a Heel now but was a tweener.

    Cryme Tyme are faces

    Carlito is A Heel.

    Vince likes c***s...and is a heel

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