
Wrestling Situation?

by  |  earlier

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for example your in a mall,your just walking then you went inside a botique,you buyed some new stuff (Clothes perhaps) then you get you wallet (the wallet had your credit card and cash worth 5,000$) from your pocket,while your holding your wallet a Robber Took your wallet!! the robber runned like a wind so fast! you chased him! (let's say your a really fast runner) you won't let him out of your sight then he went for the stairs,your still chasing the robber,but down to the last few steps he slipped so you caught him (the people were cheering for you and some people were chanting ''DESTROY HIM'' ''MAKE HIM SUFFER'') NOW YOU KNOW SOME WRESTLING MOVES and you have an idea of giving him at least ONE WRESTLING MOVE before you bring him to the Police (so that he won't be able to escape)

THE QUESTION IS: What Kind Of Wrestling move are you gonna deliver while the robber is in your front?? (he's giving you a DIRTY FINGER,so you will be pissed)

for me,i'm gonna wait for him to Stand Up and Deliver an RKO or a Spear!! How about you?




  1. well u have to go 4 something easy yet effective like the back cracker or a low blow

    LOW BLOW!!!!!!!

  2. pedigree

  3. What kind of freak puts p**n in the wrestling section? Spinebuster.

  4. Can I do two?

    Angle Slam and then the Ankle Lock?

  5. SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! w00t - you knock em out!

  6. What is that thing Carlito does? The Spinebuster?

  7. I'll sneak behind and surprise him with a brass knuckle and then put him on the ankle lock.

  8. I would give them, the tazzmission  

  9. Maybe a submission, or a move I made up, like targeting the arm. I call it the Swinging armbreaker, it's like a neckbreaker, but the arm is in place of the neckbreaker. I like submisson moves though. Or a Roundhouse step kick.

  10. pedigree on concrete

    Check out my Stone Cold vs Rock tribute

  11. Chokeslam on the steps and then the STFU for his dirty finger.

  12. Angle Lock and then Figure Four LegLock

  13. Sweet Chin Music then Elbow Drop then Frog Splash from another floor.


    Spear to the ledge thing to make him fall like 2 stories and if he survives, Frog Splash.


    Backstabber then Edge-O-Matic then Figure-4-Leg-Lock.


    Pedigree then dirty finger him back then Stunner (like Stone Cold) then RKO then Strong Irish Whip to make him fall down the stairs or a floor or a building.

  14. stunner

  15. big boot to the face or jaw.
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