
Write 4 points stating how government helps in protecting tthe endangered species?

by Guest55929  |  earlier

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Write 4 points stating how government helps in protecting tthe endangered species?




  1. 1) establishing wild life sanctuaries and national parks

    2) restricting poaching of animals

    3) people's participation like those of  chipko movement ,navadanya etc.

    4)and yes........protect the forests which are the natural habitats of these animals..........


    so ppl at least to save yourself "SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT"

  2. Species are endangered by human overpopulation so by reducing human breeding, endangered species are less pressured. So the government helps thru,

    1) Imprisonment of people where they cannot easily breed.

    2) Funding abortion.

    3) Shooting and/or tazering people that reduces the human population.

    4) Starting wars that reduces the human population.

  3. - sanctuaries, wild life parks, national parks.

    - awareness progs,

    -education in schools

    - setting up of zoos..

  4. I agree with v147 and more.  Even it we stopped breeding today - no more babies as a moratorium and even if we stopped using fossil fuels for internal combustion engines we could not stop the downward slide the planet is on.

    It is too late and no one is going to stop breeding and driving.

    Sayonarra Mother Earth!  Actually I think the planet will survive but 97% of the won't.  Ladeedah.

  5. These are all good answers, but I've tried to provide four points here that show how the government is involved in protecting / supporting endangered species as directly as possible -- as the saying goes "on the ground".

    This includes:

    1.)  Enabling the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to enforce the Endangered Species Act with meaningful fines and penalties.  This put some real teeth into the act and made it one of the most groundbreaking pieces of environmental legislation ever.

    2.)  Allowing governmental bodies like the National Forestry Service and the National Park Service to act (for the most part) outside of the political realm and carry out relevant, meaningful and timely environmental initiatives that benefit our wilderness on a multitude of levels.

    3.)  Providing vital environmental organizations like the Sierra Club, Earth Day and The Nature Conservancy 501(c)3 status -- the code for nonprofit exemption the IRS uses.  This allows these outstanding groups to do the vital work they need to complete, room to do so and additional resources to direct the bulk of the money they generate to go to those efforts.

    4.)  Allowing citizen groups and coalitions to take action against corporations / entities that they find violating federal guidelines regarding clean water, air, habitat, etc.  In any democracy the people's ability to act against an injustice they see is vital.

    All four of these provisions provide endangered species significant resources to protect their population, habitat and ability to garner funds to maintain the efforts needed to sustain that species.  A three point effort that is vital in keeping animals from grey wolves in Northern Michigan to harbor seals in Southern California to wild dune grass in Maine from vanishing forever.

  6. 1. Govt identifies and designates species as endangered and passes laws to protect that particular animal

    2. Govt hires, trains, and empowers conservation officers and game wardens to enforce the laws which it has created and either cite and/or arrest offenders

    3. Govt prosecutes, convicts, and sentences violators of such laws and, in some cases, has even shut down business who have violated those laws

    4. Govt can set aside land resources and known habitat of a particular endangered species to preserve.  

    HOWEVER, Government can also s***w up a particular species that it intended to help do to making knee jerk reactions under pressure of un-educated greeny-wienies.  The Oragon Spotted Owl is one prime example of an endangered species that logging was actually HELPING but the government shut down many logging businesses since false science and emotional knee-jerk reactions declared war on loggers.  The owl suffered as a result of the loggers discontinuing their clear cutting operations.  The owl is currently thriving in and around clear cut and timbered areas.

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