
Write a description of your home, using language that tells the reader how it looks and how you feel?

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MY ANSWER: Most people would say my house looks like a "barbie dream house" because it's two story and pink! Although I do agree with them my house, to me, it is also the best place to relax. It's a comfortable and cozy five bedroom, two bathroom house and smells like fresh candles. After a long day of school I can go up the stairs to my room and take a breather. I love my house; however, my personal dream house is larger, white, and has huge columns. It resembles the house on my favorite movie, The Notebook. It's the perfect house for a family of four. My dream house would have a theatre and game room. My dream how would overall be amazing!






  1. Most people would say that my house looks like a "Barbie Dream House," because it's two stories and pink! Although I do agree with them, my house is more than that: to me, it's also the best place to relax. It's a comfortable and cozy five bedroom, two bathroom house, and it always smells like fresh [insert scent - cinnamon? vanilla?) candles. After a long day of school I can go up the stairs to my room and take a breather. I love my house; however, my personal Dream House is larger, white, and has huge columns. It resembles the house on my favorite movie, The Notebook. With a theatre and game room, it's the perfect house for a family of four. While I can hopefully one day live in this house of my dreams, I don't mind spending my teenage years in my very own Barbie Dream House!

  2. First let me tell you I am not a teenager but a 60 yr old grandmother.

    I can tell you about my house and what used to be my dream house of sorts.

    The most beautiful house is the one that a person loves to be in and feel at home in.  My house that I live in now and will probably live in for the rest of my house is really not anything special except to my husband and myself.  When we first looked at this house, there was a baby grand piano sitting in the living room and that was the first thing I looked at.  I really didn't care what the rest of the house looked liked.  I play the piano so after we looked at the house my husband asked the realestate person if he would include the piano in the contract.  As it turned out the owners of the house did not want the piano and did not want to pay to move it so they accepted our offer with the piano included.  The house needed work so my husband gutted the kitchen.  We had all wood pine cabinets put in with all new stainless steel appliances, tile counter tops and hardwood floors.  The house came with a fireplace which I would have in any house I lived in plus all hardwood floors which my husband put down in all the rooms except the bathrooms and he had tile put down and in the foyer.  My dream house always had a front porch and this house has that also.  If I had the money I would want one of those old antebellum houses with the big wrap around porches, all hardwood floors and atleast one fireplace.  I have always wanted a fireplace in the kitchen made with old brick and the outside of the house would also be brick.  Two bathrooms is enough and no more than three bedrooms.  I love bay windows and would have one in every room and fireplaces too.  I love a country kitchen also.  I would want all bedrooms to be large.  I would also furnish my house with antiques which I do have in this house.  

    I don't know if this helps but maybe it gives you some other ideas.  

  3. I think you did a very good job of describing how it looks and how you feel, although I'm not sure describing your dream house was part of the assignment.  You could add more description of your current house.  Is it pink both outside and in?  Is it modern, traditional, tidy or untidy, large or small?  Is there a garage, yard?  Is it near neighbors, or on its own, in a city or rural area, old or new?  

    I made a few little corrections, e.g. capital B on Barbie, and a comment below.

    Most people would say my house looks like a "Barbie dream house" because it's two-story and pink! Although I do agree with them, my house, to me, is also the best place to relax. It's a comfortable and cozy five bedroom, two bathroom house and smells like fresh candles. After a long day of school I can go up the stairs to my room and take a breather. I love my house; however, my personal dream house is larger, white, and has huge columns. It resembles the house in my favorite movie, The Notebook. It's the perfect house for a family of four. My dream house would have a theatre and game room. My dream house would be amazing in every way!

    Since you've said you like yours because it's so relaxing, and your dream house sounds more exciting or impressive, rather than relaxing, can you explain why you like it?  Is it relaxing, too, but has more amenities, more things to do?

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