
Write a poem ????The best one gets a best answer.

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Write a poem ????The best one gets a best answer.




  1. This guy said write a poem

    the best one gets best answer

    I think i might have bothered

    If the prize had been a lap dancer.

    Or maybe a McLaren

    A sports car not a buggy

    or perhaps a Learjet

    I dont think I'd be that lucky

    So Mr Yahoo answer man

    I'll make this point outright

    If you want a decent poem

    Offer a decent prize


    enjoy.. I have written several poems, you can read them by clicking my name on the link..

    this one is called

    "I am a Happy Puppy"

  3. shadow writers that are any good charge much more than 10 points.

  4. Pain and suffering fill the earth

    Children die and grown men fight.

    Loved ones pass and tears are shed.

    War upon war, death upon death,

    Childhood lost, young death strikes

    Drugs taken, poor choices, young men die

    War waged, no reason, souls are lost.

    Cops yell, shots fired, death consumes.

    Mistake upon mistake, choice upon choice,

    Childhood lost, darkness looms.

    Children are the future, life has just begun,

    Now with tis beginning so comes the end as well.

    Darkness falls, I look around, where'd you go?

    Future upon future, to death's cruel hand.

    Even those that stay behind are lost within the pain.

  5. Him


    I see a man,

    A most horrid man, who makes me feel like nothing.

    When somethings good, he'll always ruin it and make it never good.

    Life can't be good with him around,

    So when you see him, you won't be happy 'cause the good is sucked from you.

    Why even be happy, why even try,

    Is life not only a waste?!

    The only reason i'm even here is only because of her.....

    But the horrid, sweaty, full of evil man won't give me a break,

    Won't let me breath, won't let me drink a drop of water.

    I'm held under the water and I cannot breath.

    He's killing me and I'm dying faster,

    When will enough finally be enough?!

    Because my pulse is slowing and soon I won't be breathing.

  6. Here's a rap.

    Listening to a nice beat.

    It was when my father died,

    that I realized not to take life,

    to ******* seriously,

    but not deriously.

    I learned to get burned

    you must light a fire.

    To be stern,

    you must learn,

    everything you hate,

    and never to wait,

    when you have time to waste.

    I was taught that there are no free rides, only big dreams.

    no one every just get's caught, except for the people on the big screen.

    Outside of that there are billions

    who ain't nearly living close to those who have millions.

    This is a place God has forsaken. Madness takes over part of every nation, and son, there are no such things as redemption and salavation.

  7. if someone writes it, will you get an A on your paper for claiming it?

  8. you ask yourself

    whats that feeling in my gut

    whats the intensity

    that makes me feel

    so q***r




    oh what is that twitch

    deep inside of me

    somewhere i cant touch

    somewhere i cant reach

    is this...


    at such a beautiful view

    seems like i cant even remember

    seems like so many days have passed

    feels so tight

    on my chest

    the pressure i cannot stand

    head full

    of smoke

    of words

    of what id known

    i cant stare so blankly

    but let the time sift through my hands

    what a beautiful strain of love

    and what a love that we'd had

  9. I'm wondering how this is a question, especially with ya's tighter guidelines. I’ve heard that many such as this have been deleted. Maybe all the question marks did it. Your question sounds more like a  plead to me, but I don’t have any gift poems on the spur of the moment.

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