
Writers, what's your purpose for writing?

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  1. To express myself.  Also because a characters story needs to be written.

  2. I love it. I got lost in the stories I right just like I get lost in a good book. It is better than any movie. I have all these ideas and stories running through my head. When the stories start to take over my dreams I know that this is one that will need to be written. Writing down notes helps but eventually I just have to put it down on paper so there is room in my head.


  3. It's a compulsion more or less. You've got so many great theories, or ideas, or characters floating around in your head that the only way to get them out and remember them/share them with whomever is to write them out.

  4. to entertain others, give them a life away form theirs even if its in words

  5. One of my main purposes for writing is to get down a thought that would sound good on paper. Like when you just think something and then go, "Wow, that sounds like it belongs in a novel!" Then again, maybe most people don't think those things.

    Plus, I also write because I've thought of a good and realistic character, and it's just plain fun to make up and manipulate a story to your mind-set. But purposes are different for every writer, because writing is an art. Van Gogh didn't paint like Picasso.

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