
Writing Tips for a Young Writer?

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I have this great talent in writing and I am always thinking about ideas for a book. It just seems that I always have a little trouble getting started. Any tips for a writer like on how to get to know one of your characters more, maybe even how to start out writing a book (in a journal or type it up) or any tips that can help me become a better writer and accomplish writing a book. Thanks for all of your help.




  1. Well if you have a certain plot in mind just start off at the climax if you want and then go back and do the beginning/end or however you need to do it to get your book accomplished. You don't have to start in the beginning and go straight to the end. Jump around a bit.

  2. Just start typing away. Even if it's irrelevant. Sort and fix it up later. Never throw anything away.

  3. WRITE DOWN UR IDEAS! i hate it when i have such a great idea...but by the time i get around to writing slipped away...even if u think an idea might not be used in a book ur writing...write it down anyway...(u never know...when ur stuck one of ur old ideas might help u)

    nd u might want to write ur book in write the beginning, then maybe u can switch to writing the climax then resolution, then building action...(for example...i know how i want my story to end...but im kinda of stuck on how to get i write the end first...then i think of something to lead up to it)

    if u rele want to develope ur characters and make them seem real...think of them as real ppl...not just characters in ur book...for an instance: how would they feel about certain current/or historical events? why? whats their fav food/book/movie/genre of music/way of dressing/etc? are they traditional or do they fight conformity? why? do they have a history that makes them that way?....basically plan out their lives (childhood, adolescence, adulthood...) nd think of signifcant events that happened during those time periods that shape their personalities... not start writing something u are not absolutely CRAZY about...ur going to get bored of it...stop it, then grieve about the time that u could have used to write about something ur rele passionate about...

    think it. love it. jot it down.

  4. You have to do lots of character studies.  Know everything about them- even go around as them for a day.  Know what foods they like and what they won't touch and why, what views they have philisophically and religiously, their dating history, their parent's histories, their childhood- everything.  Also, a good way to get ideas is to go into a public place and just people-watch.  Listen to snippits of their conversations and imagine what they might be talking about, or look at their shopping bags and imagine what they might have gotten and why.  It seems silly but it sparks your imagination.

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