hello. my name is jemma and i live in australia. i want to write a book on my family history, not so much in depth about each person, maybe a couple of paragraphs, from what i know to back as far as i can find out - so that our childrens childrens children will have some sort of knowledge about this part of our family and where they have come from etc. the way i was thinking of working it from is for EG. my father, married my mother, they had 3 children, jason, simon, jemma. then go onto jason, who isnt married and has no children therefore his part ends there. simon, engaged to name, has a daughter name. then his daughter, a bit about her, she is only 1 so not married no children ends with her. then me, not married, no children etc. but from my parents work back to their great great great grandparents. the information i was thinking of putting into the paragraphs is name, date of birth, place of birth, anything spectactular, wars, things done, places been etc. married whom, when,