
Writing a letter against my speeding ticket? HELP

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yesterday i got a speeding ticket for going 84 in a 65. i am just going into college so i cannot afford paying the large fine that i am going to get. can you give me some ideas on what to write in a letter to the court please.




  1. Looks like there's two options to working your way out of it. 1: Take it to court and if the cop doesn't show up you can get out of it just like that. 2: you can go to a driving school and get it deferred. Good luck man.

  2. I am sorry I have no sympathy.  You are lucky you are just getting a fine.  You could have been the cause of a serious accident and hurt yourself and someone else.  You will have to give up a few weekends out with your buddies and save the money and pay the fine.

  3. You will be able to make payment arrangments with them. What ever you do do not default on your arrangments of that will be a problem.

  4. Sounds like there is not much anyone can say to help you out here.  You may just tell the judge you are in College and cant afford to pay a big fine......not sure if that will work.  The 84 in a 65 is a big time violation, its not like you were going 70 in a 65.  Sorry man, I really dont think there is going to be much help here.  Good Luck

  5. A letter to the court will not do anything... The only way you could get around it is if there's a mistake on the ticket, or if the officer did anything unlawful. Courts will not have pity cuz you're in college. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

  6. 1 more mph faster and the officer could have cited you for wreckless driving / wreckless endangerment.  That my friend, would have been a felony and you would need a lawyer and of course a nice suite.

    Depends on the judge at this point.  If this is your first ticket, you may be able to go to driving school or have the ticket "shelved" for a certain amount of time (usually 6 - 12 months).  As long as you don't have a moving violation within that time frame, they toss the ticket out.  Not all states do this but the officer should have explained that to you.  It may be on to citation somewhere.

    I don't know that writing a letter would do anything for you at this point either.  They are not going to hear your case until the court date.  At that time, I wouldn't recommend taking up the judges time with a long drawn out "heart felt" plea to the court.  I doube the judge will be amused.  State the facts and be courteous.  If they do hit you with a big fine, they may set you up on payments.

    Best of luck to you and uhhhm...

    ...slow down.

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