
Writing a monolouge?

by  |  earlier

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its about this ten year old boy who is poor and cant go to a bday party.....

so he has to give his mom 4 good reasons to y he should go can u give me some ideas plz

its a monolog so only the little boy is talking

best answer= 10 pnts




  1. Mom, I would really like to go to my friend's birthday party. He is my best friend and he really wants me to go. He says that I don't even have to bring a gift if I can't afford it.

    The other thing is that all of my other friend's are going and it would be so much fun to be there. I have missed going to all of the birthday parties this year and people are starting to think I'm picky.

    If you let me go to the party, I will mow the law for a month. That would make Dad so happy!

    Also, none of the people care if I'm poor or not. They still like me and want me to come. I was thinking of making him a gift, so it wouldn't cost you anything.

  2. ***okay, here goes

    " Mom, I just gotta go to this party, everyone will be there, all my friends, and they like me for me, they don't care If I'm not dressed up fancy.

    Hey, and the party is at McDonald's, we get to eat for free.  I hardly ever get to go there.

    Bobby's mom is gonna drive, she has a minivan so we can all ride together.  She's a good driver.

    I know I don't have a present for Bobby but I could give him that really neat rock I found when we went to the river last summer, its my favorite so I know Bobby will like it.

    and mom, if you come too you might get to know some of the other moms - make a new friend or two."
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