
Writing a novel: How to bring the characters to life?

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Im writing my first novel and im not sure wether or not my characters are real enough for readers to identify with and get to know. What are so good hints of either knowing wether they are good characters or ways of making the reader care about them? I have written out little life histories and stuff for them but how do i incorporate it into the story?




  1. Pay close attention to the way your character speaks - there's nothing worse than a character that has dialoghat doesn't seem to flow right - it's very hard to connect to a character when you can't hear their voice in your head, the way they talk, the way their voice flows.  Do they have an accent?  Is their voice soft or gruff?  Do they have a funny laugh?

    Look for examples of your characters in the people around you every day (even in strangers) and listen to the way people talk to pick up different ways of providing your character dialog.  

    Also take note that characters with a flaw are easier to connect to, makes the more identifiable and memorable.  No one likes to see a Mary Jane character perfect in every way (the ones who can sing like Mariah Carey, the most beautiful woman in the world, kind and generous and everything always works out for).  This is boring.  

    Characters with fears, weird phobias, strange features or unusual habits bring a more realistic feel to a story.  

  2. make sure your readers go on a great ride. that they feel for the characters, you don't have to be able to identify with them to love them. and also when you are done read your work yourself and see if you love them, if you love them i am sure others will to.  

  3.      As you go along, you'll unveil your characters.  Don't produce them all in the first chapter.  Let things develop.  Give them idiosyncrasies like real people.  One might scratch his/her chin in a particular way.  Another might run his hands through his hair.  The idea is to breath life into them.  A lady might play with her wedding ring, or have the habit of rubbing her neck.  Things like this make the characters real, and the reader can identify with them.

         Hope this has helped a bit

    Good luck

    Mike B

  4. In addition to their life histories, sometimes it helps to "interview" your characters.  Ask them situational questions, like "If someone was drowning on the beach, what would you do?" or "If you found a wallet with 1000 dollars in cash, how would your respond?"  This will help you to truly understand your characters and their motivations.

    When writing, add details sparingly.  Let your characters come through in the way they speak or act, not so much in how they look.  Even if your characters are mean, don't tell your readers that they aren't polite or kind, show us through their actions, through little anecdotes and asides and conversations, even one-word curses.

    Hope this helps. I have not published anything, but I have taken writers' workshops and college level classes in writing.

    Good luck!

  5. I agree with creating them based LOOSELY off of someone you know. For me, I take good and bad qualities of many people and put them into a character that is believable. Your characters have to be believable. They do have to have flaws---many readers can't identify with a character if they can't have flaws.

    For example, the main character in my first novel Hannah is a nice, sweet girl. However, she doesn't hesitate to spread rumors. See what I mean? I'm pretty sure everyone has met a person like that.

    Another trick is to add a little spice in with your characters. Have them spunky, or flirtatious.

    If you have any more questions don't hesitate contacting me by email/messenger.

    Hope this helps! =)

  6. I write novels too, just try to think of someone you know who is similar or who you want to be similar and EXPRESS YOURSELF!

    Could you help me too?;...

  7. Start off by making the characters someone you know. Style them off of a friend, family member, or even yourself. Throughout your Novel, self consciously, the characters will become their own and you have a general guideline for their personalities!

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