##Description of the circuit.
The circuit was made up with 12 ICs (LM324 op amp) and 24 1kOhm resistors (voltage divider rule) and a 10kOhm (to cancel the noise), 1 3k Ohm resistor(if not the 12th Led will be lighting up at 11.1 V instead of the desired 11.9V), 12 LEDs (4 green, 4 yellow, and 4 red) for all the respective voltage level. (1-12V)
The circuit works great and now i have a problem writing a report of it. What should i write?
1) I was asked to run tests on the circuit but i dont know what sort of test should i run on it.
2) and i was asked to take photos of the circuit while i'll be passing up the circuit along with the report to the lecturer. So what sort of pics should i take and print on the report?
please help as this is the first time i write reports for this!