
Writing a romance novel. ideas?!?!?!?!

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ok so here is how it goes,

the girl, (main character, who doesn't have a name yet, give ideas for that too!) is the shy, type of girl.

she normally keeps to herself except with a few of her close friends (friend names as well!)

she moves to a different school leaving her friends behind, meeting with them occasionally, but she thinks she is going to die at the new school cause its hard for her to socialize

she gorgeous, so description are welcomed as well.

um, she is quiet, gets nervous quickly, has only had like one boyfriend and is afraid of having another one... she doesn't know how to act around them.

so i guess thats when the guy comes in, descriptions welcome, i don't have a personality for this guy yet, so give me the details.

or a name for that matter.

dont make they guy a jerk, and dont, make their lives seem like cake, make it difficult for both of them to be together, or something idk.

um, so yeah give me something different you would want to read in a romance novel, any ideas are welcome!!!

creativity appreciated!!





  1. if you're serious about writing a novel, one, you don't EVER want to ask other people for ideas. They could eventually sue you for "stealing their ideas." yes, some people are that petty.

    I attend a school of the arts for writing. My advice is sit down and think about what YOU haven't seen in a novel that you'd like. That way you won't get frustrated if no one seems to have ideas that you like. Sit down and write. It doesn't matter if its not in order or its not making sense. Just write and write and then edit and edit. You'll be a lot happier with the end result.

  2. Lighter Fluid: I can make it even more complicated.

    You want it difficult? She is Jewish, 4ft.2 inches, legally blind, is a vegan, raises pigs, loves red wine, has liberal political views and an odor problem. He is Muslim, 6ft 3 inches, totally deaf, loves red meat but abstains from alcohol and pork, and has right wing political views.

    His parents are members of Al Kaida, and her parents are active in JDL.

    He lives in Iraq, she lives in Israel, and they both meet in New York on holiday.

    Somehow you will have to make it all work. If you can accomplish a suspension of disbelief with this scenario, you have a great future as a novelist! Good luck.

  3. Say romantic novel rather than romance....!

    For lots of fantastic romantic ideas, contact

  4. Write about real romance and how it get so scred up that you can only laugh because you worked to long and hard to get to where your at and that is screwed up toto.

    After your rich Take me fishing in alaska and get snockered around the camp fire every night for a week then ship me home.I'll call us even.

  5. Make him a gorgeous Muslim boy, and her a Catholic... Things cant be more complicated than that...

    He will be well mannered and educated, he will not push his religion onto her but will respect anything she has to say... During this time he will try and teach her how norrow minded some ppl can be.. This will cause conflict in the beginning but they will learn to love each other through their struggles of different religion beliefs...

    Stories like that do it for me... Different worlds but same planet.. I have nothing against either religion i just think it would make good reading..

    what do u reckon? and if u do use this i wont come looking 4 a hand out @ least i'll have something different to read

  6. naa,doesn't do i for me...sorry

    Try somehing more original,romance..that spelles "can't write"

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