
Writing a short comedic play about a dentists office. need good characters?

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I need about a dozen characters so any ideas or helpful.




  1. um.. patients, assistants or nurses, receptionist, kids,dentist, i cant think of any more

  2. someone who thinks whatever is going on isn't that painful - this could be a nurse and her catch phrase is 'oh, it isn't that painful!'. imagine where you could put her! hhahahahaha

    someone who gives too much pain relief so patients are link limp biscuits!hahahhhaha

    of course the bitchy receptionist

    the hypochondriac patient

    or even better ... an older lady who just hangs around the place as she is lonely. the staff give her small jobs to do to get her out of their hair, and she chats up people waiting to see the dentist! funny as!

  3. The laughing gas addict who needs his fix.

    The paranoid man who thinks he's being spied on.

    The incompetent dentist who doesn't really know how to do anything.

    The nurse who really runs things.

    The man waiting for no apparent reason.

    A senile old guy who can't remember why he came in.

  4. The Alcoholic Dentist with the massive drill, bad breath and Shaky Hands who scares the shieeet out of the patients cos theres always blood on his apron.........

    and youve gotta have a Hill-Billy Dentist that no-one has a clue what hes sayin and he likes to take the Gas himself.

    And what about a patient who has flashbacks of Vietnam everytime he lays in the chair.

    and a huge FAT old bird who can hardly get in the chair.

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