
Writing about the weather?

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I enjoy writing and have been thinking about a career in journalism. I know it's difficult to find jobs/make a good living (usually), but im willing to chance that. Another one of my passions is weather.

Is there a career where i can incorperate these two things? Does anyone have any information about these jobs (salary, educational requirements, prevelence on the job, places of employment)?




  1. Well, you could become a broadcast meteorologist, I suppose.

    I do not know much about this job in the civilian world other than you'd be best off with a four-year degree in Meteorology to be a credible source of weather on the news. Most news stations these days want their meteorologists to have an AMS (American Meteorogical Society) seal of approval, which requires a degree. I am sure someone else here knows more about that aspect of weather jobs.

    What I can tell you, however, is that the US Air Force offers a wonderful meteorogical opportunity. Your primary job is as a forecaster at the airfield, responsible for issuing terminal weather forecasts for the base and for issuing weather briefings for each aircraft's flight. There are, however, some opportunities to incorporate broadcast meteorology into your resume, mainly while stationed overseas. The military oftentimes has its own newschannel for the troops in some overseas locations. My personal experience with this was in South Korea. At Yongsan AB near Seoul, at least back in the 90's when I was there, the AF offered an opportunity to be a weatherperson on the air.

    It is possible that a lot changed since then, so do the research, if you are interested.

    Mississippi State offers a Broadcast Meteorology certificate via distance learning, which correlates well with the AF training, at least as far as I know (again, do the research). But, keep in mind that neither of these options result in a four-year degree, so you would still have some schooling ahead of you to pursue a civilian career afterwards.

    I know the military is not for everyone, but since you asked I wanted to inform you. I am sure someone else will touch on the civilian side of things for you. Good luck.

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