ok, so I am writing a book. In the begining I want there to be a car accident. there are 3 people in the car. Father-driver, daughter 1-passanger, daughter 2-sitting behind daughter 1
So I want the father to die from the accident, and daughter 1 to lose her baby(she is pregnate). But I want daughter 1 and daugher 2 to only have minor injuries.
I need help ansering:
what caused the father and not the daughters to die, impact ect
how far pregnate daughter 1 is to resonably lose the baby
what are the daughters injurys
did father die at scene or at hospital afterward
what happend with person who hit them
I want it to be 4th of July at night and a drunk driver to hit them
Let me know if this is impossible and what I should change to make it possible
the daughters are twin 16 year olds,
Do they have an air bag?
What kind of car should they have?