
Writing please 10pts answer?

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Give 3 examples of things you have the responsibility to do or things that you have done that you had to take the responsibilty for.




  1. you have to take responsibility when you have to babysit.

    you have to take responsibility when you have to keep up with school/grades.

    you have to take responsibility when you have a pet. (remembering to feed it and wash it)

  2. Watch after younger siblings, keeping the family together, making sure a project gets done on time...

    ...preventing the world from ending? >_>

  3. Some could be to take out the trash everyday, wash the dishes, clean your house/room. Anything like that. Wash your car, do your homework, take care of siblings, etc.

  4. You must take responsibility for little siblings. They could crawl off into here or there and there was this story where they crawled into a cement truck (bring son/daughter to work day) and died.

    You must take responsibility to study hard and go into college unless you are already in college. If you are already in college, you must study even harder because you have to pay to go to school.

    Another responsibility is your partner because what if you have s** and you don't use condoms, you could be getting her/him sick, so that is another responsibility.

    Another one would be pets, you gotta bathe and feed them.

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