

by  |  earlier

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i have to produce reminiscences about a person using sensory details to recreate a mood using alliteration, assonance, consonance, cacophony, onomatopoeia, metaphor, simile, and personification with examples of metaphor, simile, and personification skillfully woven into the writing sorry if it sounds bad

Tony, ask people what they see in this little boy.Many would say he is a shy and a mischievouss one and a half year old. But to he people who know him the best would say his eyes illuminatee with life and love. while his smile covers the pain he feels. How can someone so pure and preasus be so unwanted by the person who is suppose to love and care for him the most. And yet he finds the love he longs for from the people who love him the most and do anything for our little angel that we love so much no matter the number of obsticals we will face in order to create a better life for him. Others rearly know how fast life zooms by with each passing breath they take,knowing it could be their last. As we take time to apreciate all the finer things in life. realizing how fast things can change in an instant as he runs by with his arms spread wide like a fighter plane ready to take flight. The way he kisses his yaya knowing that the pain he feels will slowly disappere with every passing moment. And the way he wails for me at night hopeing i am right their beside him as if to ensure him that every thing is going to be alright. while his heart beats as if in a pitter patter of overwhelming emotion. yearn to know the reason why he spends more time with his grandparents rather than being with the people who brought him im to the world in the first place.

sorry my writing and spelling sucks! did it sound ok and did i include alliteration, assonance, consonance, cacophony, onomatopoeia, metaphor, simile and personification in to my writing




  1. I dont see any onomatopeia. thats things like 'pop' 'crunch' and other noises used to describe.

  2. Interesting question

    Alliteration: say he is a shy -- life and love -- pure and preasus -- love he longs -- so much no matter the number




    Onomatopoeia: breath -- zooms -- pitter patter --

    Metaphor: while his smile covers the pain he feels


    Simile: -- like a fighter plane -- as if to ensure him

    Hope this helps.

    (Will finish your list tomorrow morning earliest)
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