This is one of my first tries, so it's not exactly brilliant, but what do you think? Critisism is definitely welcome.
The hate in her eyes is infectious. It invokes a rage unlike any other. I feel like screaming. But I don't. I can't. The moment passes. The rage inside is locked away until the next time her eyes meet mine. It's indescribable. The unprovoked hatred shows on her face, turning me into nothing less than psychotic. I imagine that this is what people with less self-control than me feel right before they commit homocide. Not that I'm known for having self-control. It rips some families apart, but right now, divorce seems like a fairytale ending. From what I've heard, it seems like a possibility. But I know life won't let me have that kind of satisfaction. It just doesn't work that way for me. I guess im stuck her for another few years. So I close my eyes and try to drown my thoughts out with music. Try to not hear that voice in the back of my head telling me that self-implosion is inevitable. Pretend for a little longer that I'm not insane.