
~~Written or Real?~~~~

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Hey y'all wussup? My question is.... I am a small time writer and I hate that they are soooo many reality shows out there because (in part) they are taking away potential jobs. How do you guys feel?

I'm torn because I really like reality shows but I also know that they tend to be anything but real. And I could write up some good drama and get a paycheck.

I'm opening up the dialog- what do you think?




  1. Reality tv simply is not real, plain and simple.

  2. I hate "reality" shows and I refuse to watch them.  The idea that the shows are somehow linked with reality is generally c**p in the first place, and in the second, popularity contests have always been boring, to me.

    I'm with you!  Give me some well-written, topical, contemporary drama or comedy.  

  3. Well, I know that the new show coming soon called Hulk Hogan's Celebraty Wrestling is all scripted.  They finished filming it last month and they taped several different outcomes.

    But I;m still going to watch it.  Simply because I am a wrestling fan and love Hulk Hogan and Eric Bishoff.
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