
Wrong Answer chosen as the Best Answer!!!!!!!!?

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In volleyball,is the player allowed to hit the ball twice successively?

We had quite an argument about the above question and 'NO' was chosen as the best answer.

However, for the sake of our community, I could not resist the urge to re-enter this question. Everybody here says he or she plays and loves volleyball but not that many people even know some basic simple rule.

Anybody can give their oppinions but this is about facts.

I ask those volleball professionals, coaches, and experts to provide the correct answer with some detailed explanation.

Thank you all, in advance, for your participation.




  1. I empathize with your frustration at the lack of informed answers in this particular forum.  

    I think that the answer from "Ifrah M" epitomizes the poor quality of answerers here.  She says that she has "alot" of knowledge on v-ball and that the basic rules are "so obvious."  She then proceeds to get the answer wrong by stating that you cannot hit the ball twice in succession.

    You can hit the ball twice, as long as the first hit is a block.

    Perhaps the confusion is stemming from the choice of the word "hit" in your question.  

    Are you allowed to *make contact* with the ball twice in succession?  Yes...if the first contact is a block.

    Are you allowed to hit the ball twice in succession?  If "hit" means "attack" (like most people would think), then the answer is, of course, "no."

    As far as your frustration with this forum, I think you'll have to resign yourself to the fact that you're not going to be able to engage in any meaningful discussions about v-ball here.  If I asked a question about s***n Poltavsky, no one here would know who he even is.  But if I asked a question about why girls wear spandex or if they wear underwear underneath spandex or if I asked "What are some good ace cheers?", then I'd get plenty of answers.  Notice that the FIVB World Cup for men and women took place a few months ago, and there wasn't a SINGLE question about it here.

    That's the way this forum is...there's nothing that can be done about it.

  2. If the first hit was a block then they can hit it again, but if not someone else must hit the ball before you hit it. But you only have 3 hits before its got to be returned,. If more than 1 person hit the ball at the same time they all cant hit it again till someone else does. If you do hit it twice in a row its a violation and the opposition receive the point and the serve

  3. Here are the exact USAV rules.  Including ALL of the exceptions.

    Rule 9.1.1  A player may not hit the ball two times consecutively (except 9.2.3, 14.2 & 14.4.2)

    Rule 9.2.3 The ball may touch various parts of the body, provided that the contacts take place simultaneously.  

    Exceptions At the first hit of the team, the ball may contact various parts of the body consecutively, provided that the contacts occur during one action.  

    14.2 Consecutive (quick and continuous) contacts with the ball may occur by one or more blockers, provided that the contacts are made during one action.  

    14.2.2  The first hit after the block may be executed by any player, including the one who touched the ball during the block.  

    EVERYONE seems to understand all of these rules except the exception to the other rules.  

    If the question was can you play the ball twice, the answer would have been no.  Since the block is not counted as one of the 3 plays on the ball, you can only play the ball one time.  All of the no answers would have been correct.  However, the question is can the player hit the ball twice.  

    You can only touch the ball twice (or actually more than twice) during a block.  OR during a block and then the first contact after the block.  OR during the first team contact as long as it is one attempt to play the ball.  In effect, you can hit the ball several times during the block and then hit the ball several times during the first play on the ball.  As long as your block is only one attempt and your first contact after the block is only one attempt to play the ball.  

    If this is not clear, please feel free to email me.

  4. OK...looks like most people are getting it right. You can not make two consecutive contacts of the ball with the following exceptions.

    As stated above if you touch the ball while attempting to block it (assuming you are above the height of the net at the time of contact) and then make the first contact on your side that does not count as two contacts.

    If on the first contact on your side you 'double' the ball it is legal as long as the second contact is from the same attempt at the ball (IE. it hits your arms and then bounces off your head). If two separate attempts are made for the ball and you touch the ball both times that would be illegal.

    Hope that helps.

  5. Well, I totaly know how you feel when ppl answer questions they have NO knowledge on..... Well, i have alot of knowledge on Volleyball and other sports cause i play ALOT of sports and my volleyball season just ended....

    In Volleyball your NOT aloud to hit the ball twice.... this is one of many of the basic rules in Volleyball, this is SO obvious cause i have beenn playing volleyball ever since 5th grade.... You can hit the ball ONCE then have another player hit it AND THEN hit it again... But REMEMBER you can only hit the ball 3 TIMES on your side then it has to go over the net... Hope that helped

  6. Nic is correct. I'm actually surprised that so many people are unaware that you can hit the ball twice consecutively if your first contact was an attempt to block.

    In this case, I feel like the questioner, how can so many kids who say they know volleyball, not know this simple rule.

    If you go up for the block, and say the ball ricochets off your hands straight up, you can then jump and attack the ball again without another player on your team setting you up. This is basic volleyball knowledge and is allowed at all levels. Middle school, JV, V, College, USAV, Olympic, and Pro Beach.

    Any other attempt to contact the ball twice is called as a violation. The reason block touches don't count towards a teams three hits is because blocks are considered to occur over the net on your opponents side of the ball. This is nto always the case, but that's the idea. It also allows for longer rallies which make volleyball mroe watchable.

  7. no you cant

  8. obcourse not! its a violation. each team is given three times to hit the ball, and each player can hit it twice only if,  his teamates hits it after him. if you want to hit it twice play by yourself then its up to you if when youre going to stop hitting it....

  9. I will try to give it a short answer...

    In most cases two consecutive contacts would be called double, except:

    1> if the first touch is a block, the same player can "actively" hit the ball again, counting as the first hit of the team.

    2> if the ball comes over from the server, or from the hitter or blocker of your component, and the ball bounced off your receiver's left arm then right arm, then shoulder, nose, forehead... as long as it happened in ***one action***, and the player was not "actively" swinging to hit the ball again, all those bouncing would be counted as one hit of the team per FIVB rule ( They even included such an example in the casebook ( 4.3).

    The ref needs to tell the difference between passive bouncing and active hitting. Should the ball get bounced off the forehead and the same player reaches to make another hit, it would have been called a double.

  10. hey there, i used to be a volleyball ref - nic is right on this one. the ONLY time a player can touch the ball consecutive times is when the first touch was a block attempt. plain and simply stated.

  11. no, its  WRONG ANSWER

  12. The only instance in which a player is allowed to get a hand on the ball twice successively is if that person went up for a block, only got a touch, and hit the ball right after.

    Touches when blocking don't count as one of the 3 hits.


    Because so many people disagree with me...

    I thought you'd like some evidence, so I looked it up in the official rulebook, just to back myself up.

    "9.1.1 CONSECUTIVE CONTACTS A player may not hit the ball two times consecutively (except Rules 9.2.3, 14.2 & 14.4.2)."

    (That says no... so let's refer to Rule 14.4.2)

    "14.4.2 The first hit after the block may be executed by any player, including the one who touched the ball during the block."

    Voila! That's the only instance, like I said

    I should be a ref, haha.

    In case you want the whole rulebook (indoor):

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