
Wrong Number!?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I have had our phone number for almost two years, ever since we got the number we've had phone calls for a "Mr. Thompson". We've always nicely stated that they had the wrong number, and that was the end of it. In the past 3 months the phone calls have turned into very rude calls about bills being overdue. We still tell them they have the wrong number, but now we are being yelled at/cursed at/and called liars. I'm assuming that if I save the company information and phone number I can report them to the BBB, I don't want to change my number -- so is there anything else we can do?




  1. My husband and I had same problem some months back only on cell phone. We kept getting calls for a Jacob Jablonski, and when I would say they had wrong I was call a no good filthy b***** well I started calling back the numbers that showed up on caller ID. and ask for this same person, and when I was told I had wrong number I asked them how they liked it,

    Well some time went by and I started getting calls from bill collectors and same story over and over again, till I started asking them for street address and city and state where they were calling from. When they ask me why I wanted that info I told them I was going to send copies of the bills for phone to them so  they could see who's name was on it.

    Thank God it has been oh about 6 months now since we got last call, maybe We have seen the last of it.

    Oh also try telling these bill collectors that you have put you number on  do not call list and you are filling charges for harassment.    Good Luck to you.

  2. Why don't you ask for a name and address to send payment to, then draft a letter stating your situation, enclose a copy of the phone bill showing it in your name (blank out any other personal information), and say you will take legal action for harrassment if the calls continue. Make copies of the letter and send it by certified mail with return receipt.
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