
Wrong address - didn't change it at the ins. co?

by  |  earlier

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OK - I used to pay $268 for a 91 Buick. I moved...I was unemployed and wanted to move to LI from NYC - just cheaper. Had a rent controlled apt., subletted it to a friend. My address is still NYC because of rent-control and other conveniences (got a job again, so sometimes I work late and sleep over).

But my car sleeps in LI, and that saves me $100 a month. Got an email from my ins. co. saying that they have the wrong address (in LI) according to the post office.

What do I do now? What will happen? I have a good record - will they cancel my policy? Will they ask me to pay the difference?




  1. just let them know you have a separate mailing address from garaging address.  many people do

  2. they will most likely move it to the new address and begin charging you the higher rates.  Although usually rates are based on your vehicles garaging address.  So if you could explain your situation they may leave it in LI

  3. What you need to do is to advise your insurance company that you are have a mailing address but also a garaging address.  They may do some investigating so make sure that it's in fact true.  You must call them to ensure that the premiums will be changed and pay what you need to at the time.  If there is a decrease the insurance company will send you a refund.

  4. Well, you're going to have to make sure that your LEGAL address is the one you're staying at - change your driver's license and the mail.  

    They will rate the policy accordingly.

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