
Wrong ans.?

by  |  earlier

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she said alot of things but nothing i would call true,i have the voices of my mom ,friend ,and sister that passed ,so its not the best answer




  1. Best answer does not always it is the absolute best answer. As I said in answer to another of your questions many people pick best answer just to disagree with someone or to fuss at them.

    Others pick the answer they agree with as someone else already  pointed out. Voters pick the answer they want to see and it may not be the one the aske would pick. I have a friend who found this out his first question he let it go into voting because he though no best answer would be picked and the answer he hated the most was picked as best answer.

  2. If you're talking about your question regarding how to help a ghost...

    I don't agree with her either. How to you help the ones who ask for help... Quite often they just want someone to hear their story, to know they lived and died. Someone to care. Sometimes they don't know they're dead. Sometimes they're children and are frightened. Can you hear them outside of EVP?? Like are you a medium? If not, if you're religious at all, you could say a prayer for their souls. Or simply ask that an angel come and give them whatever it is they need to put their souls at rest and ask that they be guided into the light. The ones that ask for help are the ones that haven't crossed yet.

    If you're hearing the voices of loved ones.... chances are they want you to know they're there with you. Close your eyes and speak to them, then listen with your heart. You'll just know the answer. Trust what you feel in return.

    Peace, love and light to you

  3. I think Jonq, that this poster was the one who did the  picking the wrong answer to tell them it lol

  4. Don't worry about it some people pick the 'best answer' as the one they agree with the least just so they they can tell the person off and make sure they read it without being able to reply.

    This is all just for fun here, don't take it too seriously.


    I think she was the chooser, but she seems disturbed by her wrong choice :-)

  5. dont think that just have fun..u have dr own knowledge OK..mwuah
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