
Wrong food??

by  |  earlier

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I took my husband out for a late Father's Day dinner, and he chose Denny's. We sat where we could see the line (where the food sits in the window).

We saw the burger when it was put up in the window, and the server gave it to a table next to us. The customer touched the bun, looked at it, and sent it back, as it was the wrong one. We watched and sure enough, the burger got picked up and delivered to my husband. We refused it because the customer had already touched it. Even though the customer looked clean, we didn't want a customer touching our food! And I don't blame him for feeling that way.

I work as a waitress, and I never looked at it that way, but I agree. Does it make you wonder who had touched your food before you actually got it?

The waitress tried to assure us it was a different burger, but we watched the whole time. It never moved from when she took it back. They didn't charge us for the burger, but they gave us an attitude.

So beware when you eat out!!!




  1. Ohh...

  2. i worked as a waitress at a place called the ground pati. once a customer found a termite in her salaid. the owner was a big *** hole and told the lady since she alread ate half of the salaid that he was only going to give her half off. then there was another time that i personally killed a roach on the line. after that i never ate there again. ohh yea and be careful the cups you drink from they dont get cleaned correctly and there is always stuck on food in the cups. always get a to go cup.

  3. Let me tell you, I wouldn't eat at a Denny's to begin with. But, with that said, you would be amazed at the unhealthy habits that go on at all restarants. Like how many bugs crawl around at night, or how much stuff hits the floor and is picked up and used anyway. How many people sneeze or snot into food they are cooking. Ugh! I agree with not wanting the hamburger that you watched another person touch. That restaurant should have respected your wishes without attititude. Shame on them!!

  4. I work in a kitchen and with some of the stuff I see, its amazing that I still eat out .
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