
Wrong for girlfriend to cancel concert date three days before show?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so 8 weeks ago I bought tickets for my girlfriend (of 3.5 months) and I to a band that I love and she has not heard of. I told her when I bought it. She was ecstatic because I just told her we were going to five concerts this summer.

I've given her CDs of the upcoming band to show her what the music is like. Today she tells me she's not into the band and doesn't want to go.

We've been to two already and both have had tremendous times. Do I have a right to be upset? I don't want to make a fight but I am upset because it seems like we would have fun because we are together, regardless.

Also, she's been acting slightly differently over the past week. Not inviting me over for lunch during the week, not e-mailing me at work unless I e-mail her, not wanting me to sleep over during the week, not calling me after work) For some, this would be too much - however, during the first three months of the relationship, she was always doing this. Now she's not.

Should I be worrie




  1. Seems like something is up  , I would go to the concert with someone else  and move on  . you know in your heart when something isn't right , just move on  and enjoy your concert season .

  2. i think something is wrong. maybe she's cheating. if i were to be you i would sit down with her and talk about it.

    hope everything works out!

  3. If she told you she's not into the band and doesn't want to go, then she trusts you and respects you enough to tell you the truth.  She is probably giving you a little space because she knows her decision upset you.  The more you are upset about it & bring it up, the more she will withdraw.

    Your job is to trust & respect her decision, and invite someone else.  You will have more fun with someone that will enjoy the concert vs being with someone because she feels forced into going because you want her to go.

    She will feel more at ease, you will feel more at ease - and the conversations will start up again...promise!

  4. are u paying attention to what she wants to do?  5 concerts to bands and music CD's sounds kinda boring after a while.  What does she like to do?  MOvies,camping swimming, fashion ,dancing ,baseball, opera, church, ballet, jazz?  what are her interests...

    if the band is any good 3 days is plenty of time to find someone else to go with you if the band sucks and u cant find someone else to go than there are a few signs right there

  5. Hey I'll go to the concert with you. I love concerts! Lol, j/k.

    Don't worry about it if she doesn't want to go with you this time. Ask someone else to go like a friend or relative.

    About her strange behavior lately-- ask her what's up. Maybe she doesn't have feelings for you anymore. Some people won't admit to that on their own, you may have to get it out of her.

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