
Wrong informatin on my credit report!!?

by Guest21499  |  earlier

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So, I just got my REAL FICO credit report (previously was using a FAKO report) and noticed wrong information. There is a 90 days past due account from Von Maur on there and it is not my account. My mother and I dealt with this about a year ago. She had an overdue Von Maur account but I was listed as a person who could use it besides herself. We noticed that this past due account (her acutal account) showed up on MY FAKO report and got it deleted so that it would no longer hurt my credit. Then, I did not know that FAKO reports weren't the real thing. Well, now I have seen the real thing and my credit score is a horrible 594!! I pay everything on time and all but this has killed my score. This is clearly not my problem and my mother and I thought we fixed it before. What do I need to do to get this corrected and to never have this be a problem again?? How do I dispute? Thanks!




  1. You are not responsible if you are just an authorized user.  They are allowed to report it on your report, but you are also allowed to have it removed.  Is it on all three reporting agencies.. you will have to go on the website of all three bureaus and dispute the report... it will get removed.  I was able to do it twice for my husband when his ex-wife didn't pay the bill.  You are not liable.  But you do have to go thru the red tape of having it removed. Sorry. good luck

  2. If you were an authorized user the account information will still effect your credit, you just aren't liable for the charges you accrue, thus the problem with being a user and allowing users on your accounts.  You may try to dispute with each bureau but I think they will be able to easily verify with the credit card company that your name is on the account as a user.  Also, with this being years old now, as long as the account has been paid on time since then  the effect is probably minimal unless this is your only active tradeline.

  3. Contact the credit bureau that shows the wrong info, and tell them IN WRITING what the real situation is.  If it's a joint account, then it would be shown on both reports.

    Also check your credit reports with the other two major credit companies - you can use and it won't cost you anything, and you can download your reports.  If one company has bad info, all three might.

  4. sorry if you were on her card you may be just as liable

    contact the reporting agency and dispute on line and/or in writing

  5. You can have the company that is reporting the incorrect info supply what's called a "Supplement to you credit"

    Just a hint....if your score is 594 it's more than just the 1x90.

    Real quick some of the tricks to optimize your score.

    4 tradelines, no store accounts, if you have a card that is close to its max balance that's bad....try to spread your balances amoung more cards

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