
Wrong to charge friend airfare?

by  |  earlier

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my mom, dad ,my best friend and i are going on vacation. my parents are making her pay for her airplane ticket( 700 and something). i feel bad because shes my best friend and were only 14 plus with rising oil prices and stuff its alot of money. i just feel really bad. were paying for the hotel though and everything else though so im torn. advice?




  1. Do you want to pay for her airfare? Do you have the money?

    I think she is getting a great deal, and so are her parents.



  2. Someone else said this, and I agree - your parents aren't her parents. If the situation was reversed, would you expect her parent(s) to pay for the plane ticket?

    Since you're paying for the hotel and all other expenses, she's getting a great deal. There's no reason to feel bad.

    Have a great trip.

  3. Your parents are not her parents, so of course her family should be paying for her ticket, as well as providing her with some spending money. What's there to feel bad about?

    If your friend wanted to buy something expensive, would you want your parents to cover that as well?

  4. Well honestly it is fair. If they will be paying for everything else. Maybe they can't afford to buy her plane ticket? Since they will be paying for her food and all. How is the plane ticket $700? When do you leave? Was it ordered at the last minute?

  5. If the trip was plan of course she should be paying her airfare....if she was invited then no she should not be required to pay.

  6. If she didn't want to go, she'd say so. I wish I had a friend to pay for everything bu my airfare when I go on holiday.

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