
Wrong way to handle an evil co-worker? or not?

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Okay, I work (part time) beside the troll of the company. She's always trying to get people in trouble so I know when I'm not around she's doing the same to me. Right now I am a temp and they set my hours at 20 but my boss said I could work a few extra as long as the "big wigs" didn't notice or care. So, I've been working 25-30 and making extra cash which has really helped us out. My son is with my in laws this week since daycare is closed for vacation so I asked my boss if I could slip in a few extra hours and he said no, seems the troll went to the big bosses and told them I was working extra hours and they put a stop to it. They are working on the paperwork to buy out my contract to hire me but now I can't work any extra hours until it goes through. But this is her M.O. Plain and simple to the bone evil. Everyone avoids her but I have to work with her. I pretend to like her to get through the day but I'm really considering sabotaging her work. That's how she got rid of my predecessor.




  1. oohhh i feel your frustration!  and as much fun as it would to do what she does.. you don't want to be marked the next evil one do you???

    and i wouldn't be nice to her or fake it anymore!

    if she ask you to do something say what are you my boss now!

    and just be vague don't talk to her ect

  2. People like that have a way of destroying themselves over time.  Don't get your hands dirty.  Step back and let her self destruct.

  3. I work with some one like that also....

    I just sit back and let things that she has stirred up come back and bite her. In the end she will see...So now she has no one to talk to other than me in the office. I talk to her but I no longer discuss things. When I see that she is not working...h**l YEAH I tell it. But that is cause some one needs to see her faults too, since she was SO busy telling off on everyone else.

    People like "the Troll" are horrible and live mean, boring lives. So kill her with kindness. Dont go and sabotage anyof her work...

    You are not the only one that knows how she is.

    Do you ever think that maybe she is stuck at her job in that posistion b/c of the type of person she is?! Thats what i think about my office mate some time. That if she doesn change she will be stuck doing what she is doing!

  4. I think it's more effective to be sickening sweet to someone like this, then eventually catch them in the act of trying to sabotage someone.

    I'd say turn her in if you catch her not doing her job. It sounds like she's too busy scheming evil plans than actually doing any work.

  5. Girl she will get hers.   Karma always find a way.   You dont need to do anything but sit back and watch the whole thing play out.  Do not think negatively about this or you will get caught up in it too.  Be pleasant and do your job to the best of your ability.  The big guys will get tired of her too or she will make such a big mistake because shes too worried about what everyone else is doing that they will have too either demote her or let her go.

  6. I know it's hard, but just be patient until you get the full time gig.  If you stoop to her level you are no better.  Don't worry, she'll eventually get whats coming to her.

  7. I'm with the majority here, do your work, do it well, concentrate on the things you need to do in order to be a decent employee and let the ol' sow hang herself eventually.

    Don't fall to her level.

  8. To repay evil for evil is...well......evil.

    Your best bet is to do your job to the best of your ability, mind your own business, and be at least pleasant to all you come in contact with.

    Let work be about just that- work.

    Whatever you do- don't gossip or slander!

    Even if NOBODY likes her, talking smack will make you look bad!

    (Besides, how do you think it makes a person feel to be disliked by everybody? Try to be compassionate.)

    I'm sure your boss would really appreciate you if you stay out of all the pettiness and just do your work - in due time he may reward you.

  9. I'll bet anything that I am your predecessor.  Could there be two people like this troll you just described?  She can appear cute on the outside, but she is pure evil within.  She did everything she could to harm people.  Before I was on the job, my two predecessors left the company on short notice and both were angry.  Even two lawyers left the company rather abruptly  and I'll bet every cent I have that it was because of this one person and her lying ways.  If I were you, I'd get out of that place as fast as possible.

  10. Don't do anything to jeopardize your job, when you focus on her and getting revenge it could backfire and you could find yourself out of a job altogether. Living well is the best revenge; wait until your paperwork is done, then see about getting away from her and off with other people or by yourself, Avoid her as much as possible (there is one in every company, believe me) and learn everything you can about hour job and get cross trained so you have extra skills which will enable you to move ahead faster and secure your job even more. She will come to grief in her own time, no worries on that score, that kind always does sooner or later.

  11. Hey man,

    While your at it why not put cyanide/laxative in her coffee :P

    but seriously....

    do it!

    Sounds like a classic case of "***** needs be taught a lesson", show her who wears the pants and smack her down!


  12. Sit back and just do your job.  Don't try to sabotage her work.  She will get hers.  What comes around goes around!

  13. My recommendation is to kill her with kindness. Be nothing but sweet and friendly with her. This way, if anything comes into review, you come out smelling of roses.

  14. Good luck with the job. Keep in mind that people like her eventually get caught, management isn't usually that stupid.

  15. Do NOT stoop to her level.  It seems everybody knows what a spiteful troll she is. She will get hers someday.  Be grateful you have an opportunity to go full-time.  You wouldn't want to do anything now to jeopardize that.  Hang in there and she'll get what is coming to her sooner or later.

  16. How do you know that she did this?  There could be another troll in your office.  But, still do the work and watch your back.

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