
Wrongfully fired and reputation affected. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I was recently fired for an incident that ocurred at work that I am taking the blame for. A group of employees, several of which worked directly under me, did something while at work (won't go into the details). I caught one of them doing it and I informed my immediate supervisor about it the very next morning. I had no idea others were involved, but that came out after the person I caught confessed. A few days went by and then I got a phone call from another one of my supervisors to say that I could no longer work for the company anymore. Turns out, the people involved in the incident said that I knew they were doing what they did and that I in fact encouraged them to do it. To make matters worse, the supervisor who I reported the incident to made it seem that I was covering this up because I reported it the next day and not immediately (I found out at 2:45am and reported it at 6:45am). Through several friends at work I also found out that this supervisor through me under the bus and basically passed the blame of this to me. Well, I was never called in to defend myself and the company decided to fire me without me even stating my side of the story. Now, my reputation in the industry is tarnished as people are now being told that I was fired for something that I didn't do.

To complicate things, my wife works at the company as well and I'm afraid that if I push the issue she could get canned too. I know I need to seek legal advice, and I have done so. But does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do? Thanks a ton.




  1. Before you continue any sort of legal advice, you do need to attempt to reach a higher level- a human resource dept or higher supervisor.  Does your company have a 800 number to contact HR with complaints? If not, call the office of your direct supervisor, or the corporate office hr department and give them a chance to investigate.

    Make not of when and who you called and your conversation.  Too often, things happen and HR doesn't know about it, so you should give them a first shot at listening and investigation both sides.  If there is no response from them, and/or you are still unhappy, certainly seek counsel.  But that is a costly option!  I wish you luck!!

  2. where are you?

    under contract or at-will?

    if you are in the US and at-will your recourse is to file for unemployment insurance. if the employer did not have cause to terminate you then you will qualify for unemployment insurance(if you meet the other criteria)

    unless you were terminated and discrimination/retaliation is involved there really is no such thing as wrongful termination and the attorney should have told you that.

    if you were in a supervisory role then you were responsible and subject to discipline. i would try talking to HR or your supervisors boss but your options may be limited in that regard. explain all the details you have and what you did,  with all the facts laid out they may just reinstate you.

    your wife needs to just continue doing her job to the best of her ability,  retaliation is something that there are some protections for (depending on what the retaliation is a result of).

    this incident should not effect her employment in any way.

    your reputation can only be tarnished by the employer if they  lie about you....................

    as long as they are truthful,  as in you were a supervisor, these events took place,  you were responsible for the staff so you had to answer for failing to control the situation they can't be held responsible for your reputation.

  3. wow that is super crappy!! in my opinion i would write a strongly worded letter and send it to your supervisor and his.. informing them of what actions you are going to take legaly. because in this case you were wrongly terminated! and as for your wife.. maybe they wont do anything. but who really knows, if they fired you like they did. i would start a new job search for the both of u! best of luck!

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