
Wt acording 2 u is d importance of non conventional sources of energy in recent years ????

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  1. A combination of renewable energy will be required for a sustainable future. No one technology has the ability to meet all energy requirements. An effective combination of many technologies will be required to meet future energy demands. Each technology has it’s advantages and limitations, but together, they can solve the world energy crisis.

    Cleaner alternatives include

    - Hydroelectricity

    - Wave power

    - Solar energy

    - Wind power

    - Biofuel

    Other alternatives such as nuclear can be used as a transitional technology to help our society move away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy. Clearly nuclear energy also has many concerns and is a limited resource, but technology can be used temporarily while we further develop more sustainable energy sources.

    The key point is we need the combined effort of individual support and government support and funding. A combination of renewable energy sources can easily meet societies energy requirements if we invest enough research, time and capital into it.

    The best way to regulate the effects of increasing energy consumption is through a combination of regulation, international agreement, and green res each and technology initiatives.

    The introduction of tighter regulations for large industries and high energy users should be used to control and regulate energy consumption. Perhaps placing a tax or fees on excess consumption.

    International agreements to reduce emissions. Such as the Kyoto Protocol. And international carbon trading schemes.

    But most importantly, is the source of energy. If we invest in green research initiatives and prevent the production of dangerous pollutants, then rather than policing energy consumption, we can focus on more sustainable energy alternatives such as wind, hydro, solar, geothermal, etc.

    No single method will be effective in controlling energy consumption. Rather, it will be a combination of policy changes and a societal & technological shift towards more sustainable alternatives.

    Each technology has it's advantages and limitations. But no single method will be effective in controlling energy consumption. Rather, it will be a combination of policy changes and a societal & technological shift towards more sustainable alternatives. Australia and other countries need to impliment a combination of renewable energy plans.

  2. Well !

    As the fuel pricing are rising high as never before,so it becomes imp to look for alternative sources of energy.

    Also,from environmental point of view,the sources of energy that u hv listed carry a lot of importance

  3. Today, the world is facing energy crisis due to population pressure, deterioration in the physicalenvironment.Today, the fossil fuel is the main source of energy.Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum are being used at an alarming rate. If these fuels continue to be used at the present rate, it is clear that they would not last for more than a few years.

                   Fossil fuels are limited and are being depleted fast in the modern era. our total dependence on non-conventional resources cannot meet our consumption rate of energy. Hence it is not economically viable to rely on them either.So , now is the time to use the non- renewable energy sources to maximum efficiency and also to find alternative renewable sources of energy.

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