
Wt do u feed pet rat for treat? what r sum triks to train them, wivout using cliker?can they use hamster ball?

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(sorry about spelling, i needed space) I got a new pet rat recently. I named him Scorpious, and if anyone can think of any other stupid shows or gamers with that name, tell me, because its not too late 4 me 2 change name. well, i dont have a clicker, or a jar to use, and i want to wait for Scorpious to get more adapted before i train him, but i want to know easy ways to train him. Also, what are ways to prevent fleas, and know if they have fleas? my cats and dog have fleas, so our house is infested, and i dont want my poor rat uncomfortable. ive been running a flea comb through him, but it has been used on the cats and dog too. i washed it off with strong smelling soap, and washed the soap off, but Scorpious still got scared when i gently combed him, and tried to jump back to his cage, so i gave him the smallest amount of yogurt, because i read they can only have a tablespoon full every once in awhile, and i want to give him more when i make a maze for him to run through. so, i need to know as much about this as possible, along with other suggestions, such as if he might like a companion, and if it would be male, like him, or female, and have the possibility of baby rats. when i got Scorpious at the pet store, he had just been shipped there the other day, so though he was sleeping with two other rats, he wouldn't have know them long. also, he is a good size now, so i have him in a 10 gallon aquarium, and attached to the top is a wired cage with things he can use to go up, where his food is, so he is good. but when i get more money, and if i get another rat, and when he grows bigger, how big a cage should i give him, and another question to my never ending list(and a little advice)-the water thing that came with it, the type where they l**k the metal ball that is wet with water, was messed up. when he first came, two days before i wrote this, he didnt drink water all day. everyone said tap water was fine for him, but he never drank any, so today i filled it up with good water, and he smelled that it was good, and tried to drink from it, but he only got a little. the water thing said to s***w the thing on tightly, but the metal ball was dry, and my poor rat was pawing and clawing at it, thirsty but unable to drink. i loosened the thing a little, and i havn't had any problems, so any rat owners can have this advice, and need to make sure their rattys aren't dehydrated




  1. meat doesn't make rats mean. feeding through cage bars makes them nip though. and NO aquariums. he needs a cage. aquariums make ammonia build up and rats sick with respiratory problems. don't feed him yogurt drops either. too much sugar. nonfat plain people yogurt is better. i give my rats a waxworm or two monthly and also 1/2 a salmon roll. bi weekly they get a mini low fat whole wheat blueberry muffin. once a week they get a little pedialyte. daily they get their lab blocks, a mix of grains and cereals like sugar/salt/fat free "rice krispies" type cereal, sugar/fat/salt free kamut puffs, oat rings, rolled oats, wheat germ, some kashi go lean!, and two or three random low or non fat/sugary cereals from whole foods. they also get whole wheat pasta. oh and baby food. they also get veggies and fruits like endive, romaine, bananas, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries, parsley, apples, etc. for a companion get a male. if he gets dehydrated again you can give him pedialyte or powerade zero. i keep both on hand as a treat and in case of emergency. don't use a hamster ball for him. rats like to free range. if the floor is a no no, get a sheet you don't care for, and let him play on the bed. a good cage for him or preferably him and a friend would be.

  2. They can use the hamster balls while they are young but when they get bigger you have to get the bigger ball because of their backs. for a treat they love the yogurt drops, or anything in the kitchen like grapes, crackers ect. don't feed them meat, it can make them mean. maybe go get a new water bottle.

  3. i wouldn't use a ball for any rodent to run around in...would you want to be trapped in a little ball with your p**p flying all around you?

  4. for one you can give your rat just about anything you would eat as a snack or treat...yes your rat should have a companion...and yes it should probably be a male because if you fet a female you WILL get only take a rat 2 seconds to have s*x sucsesfully and they can even do it through bars in a cage...and the female will have up ro 15 babies or more...then you will have to get yet another cage for her to have the babies in and then two more cages in a about a month or so to put the babies in seperatly sexed..because they will have s*x with each other and make more babies...and then you wont be able to put the female back in the males cage for at least 2 months after her babies are weined...its bast to get a male cage mate...i got a famale once and now i have 14 rats in my bedroom...hehe..and i love all of time is a will want a ferret cage or somthing rats love room to play..and loads of stuff to play can give them just about anything..that you wont mind being peed on or shewed up..cause they love to chew...oh and no they usually wont use a hamster ball....or a weel really if you have a enterjetic rattie then you can get him a weel but make sure its one that have no holes in the part he would be running on...his little fets and tail can get causght an ripped off...whatc out for wire cage bottems and landings...they can cause bumblefoot...its like a staff infecion in your ratties back feet...just put a solid peice of plastic on the landing or floor and they will be fine...bedding that is and isnt ok is...absolutly NO pine or ceder bedding...they have oils in them that make them smell good to us but they can be deadly to your rat(s)....the sipper bottles your rattie was probably just ajusting to his new suroundings and was not interested in the water tap water is ok..i personally use bottled water but my rats also get flavored waters and only get the most expensive kind lol they are spoiled...but he will drink fine out of the sipper you can also leave a small bowl of water somewhere in the cage as well as having a sipper bottle your rat will love the bowl of water and youcan watch him take baths in it...if you get a female and she happens to have babies you dont want to put a bowl of water in her tank(btw females with babies must be in a glass tank its safer for the little blind and deaf babies)when the babies are abour 11 days old they will start to follow mom around even though they are still blind and deaf..and can easily drown in the water bowl (they are good climers and will climb right in the bowl unknowingly)...if you have anymore questions just e-mail me at answer anything...go to the site in the sources they know alot aswell

  5. My son's rat loves fruit, nuts, guinea pig treats, pretzels, cheeze balls.  

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