
Wtf antivirus xp 2008 secretly installed on my comp...?

by  |  earlier

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When i went afk for about 15 minutes i come back and see antivirus xp installed and running. i was like wtf and went to add or romove programs to delete it but it says uninstalled have encounter a problem making it un able to uninstall... i want this annoying **** deleted.. maybe its a virus?




  1. Here's a Video that can show you how to remove antivirus xp 2008:

  2. i think  i have same problem  

  3. it is a virus i have seen at least 12 people just this week with this problem, you need to get a good spyware remover and a better firewall anti-virus program I recomend 2

    Spyware remover



    trend micro

    remove the firewall and spyware remover you have now download the ones i told you about update and then scan will take care of your problem I dont care what any one says super-antispyware is c**p dont install it use spysweeper

  4. exact same thing just happened to me!! if you search yahoo answers someone before had the same problem and was given a link to a program to remove it. that's what i'm doing now. hopefully it works.

    apparantly antivirus XP is actually a virus. i'm so confused. :( my poor laptop!

  5. I got this annoying piece of rubbish last night (about 12 hours ago).

    I did some research and found that this site

    was very helpfull and provided an descriptiojn of the thing abd very good instructions about how to remove it. Antivirus XP 2008 is not dangerous - the warnings are fake; it is just annoying.

    Using the removal tool provided free by those good people I was able to completely remove it.

    After removal, you may find that AGV E-mail scanning has been disabled. Hrer is how to re-activate it.

    "From control panel (Performance and Maintenance) Administrative Tools (depending on which view you prefer) select services. Then find the item "AVG Email Scanner" right click this entry and select Start.


    Do not click on links given in any Answere to questions where the link is all there is.

    The site you are taken to looks line more of Y!A with a video viewer ready to go. When you ckick on it to activate you are invited to download a plugin. DON'T DO IT. That is how you get the walware on your system.

    I hope that Admin on this site is monitoring answers, and expells the culprit who is laying these traps. They are pretty easy to spot. An Answer with just a link and nothing else.

  6. it`s one spyware try download spybot or windows defender from it`s free.

  7. I bet it's a virus too, man, the EXACT same thing happened with me, I immediately blamed my sister :P I got it and it took away my background and was a blank blue background, and it wouldn't uninstall. Finally when I went all over my PC to remove it completely, I am now unable to change my background when I go to press the right click on the mouse. I have to go to the image in my documents now to set it as my background. It isn't a major deal but the inconvenience has me a little upset still, and just the whole thing in general has me uneased. I personally think it's some sort of virus that doesn't do much. Just go into your PC like crazy and do searches and get any trace of it deleted and you should be okay.

  8. It's possible that it is a virus. Either that or spyware (There have been a few spyware programs that install themselves like MyWebSearch). Try using an anti-virus and Ad-aware and Spybot, which are used to remove spyware.

  9. I agree with Ross M thats how I think I got the virus too, use spybot search and destroy to get rid of the problem.

  10. Antivirus XP 2008 is a suspect anti-spyware application that have a set of features which do not work, and produces false positives which may goad the user into purchasing the application. Antivirus XP 2008 show various pop-up advertisements and fake security messages, which may disturb your work and slow down computer performance. Antivirus XP 2008 is a clone of XP Antivirus fake antispyware. It is recomended to remove Antivirus XP 2008 from your computer.  

  11. Its rogueware.This program malware bytes works very well.

    I have seen post's about it .So I thought I would give it a try.

    Found a bunch of adware on my system.

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