
Wtf happend <span title="..............................someone">............................</span> tell me ?

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well ive been seeing black figures every where and so has 1 of my friends and like on the bus at school in my room and on the bus it was like moveing around looking at the people then it looked at me really creepy like and after that my friend said i looked really confuesed and wtf happend




  1. thats creepy.

  2. Woah! Freaky! You Must Have The Ability To See Ghosts! I Have That Ability, And I See Figures, Hear noises.....The Doctors Don&#039;t See Anything Wrong With Me......

    Well, Good luck With Your Ability!

  3. It might be your spirit guide or guardian angel. Just a thought since it goes where you go and not just one particular place.  

  4. ooooh that happens to you too?!

    I have this flashy ghost thinggy that

    looks like a white flame and it runs

    around my appartment all the time 0.0

  5. Well, my last post got lost, somehow, so I&#039;ll do a shot review and you can ask more if you want to.

    First, has anything happened in your life that changed it?  It could be a car wreck, drug/alcohol use, first time having s*x, attending a religious service (baptism, wedding, etc.), joining a religion (Christian, Satanic, Islamic, Wiccan, etc), death of a close friend,  playing with a Ouija board, getting pregnant, and so on.  

    Any of these events could/can change your perception of things.  Since you have a friend who also does this, the even is most likely something you did together, like a car wreck or being in a crisis situation.  This doesn&#039;t have to be unique, it could be as simple as puberty.  

    I agree with the Christian who stated that she felt you are seeing demons.  Though, your discription tends to fit a fiend more than a demon.  That&#039;s a long story, but the result is the same.  You&#039;re getting to see the darkness that is written about in the Bibles and other Religious texts, both real and otherwise.  Can you see this darkness in people around you also?  If so, you are seeing the &quot;Mark of Cain,&quot; as they say.  The more blackness/darkness, the more &quot;evil&quot; the person is.  This isn&#039;t about race, and I hope no one takes it that way.  This is about Good and Evil, even though they are lose terms.  

    As for danger, you are always in danger.  If these entities looked at you and didn&#039;t hurt you, you didn&#039;t interest them.  Otherwise, well, they would have done something then.  Most likely, these were low level beings just looking around.  Perhaps, checking to see if anyone was worth having fun with.  All in all, they&#039;re not very swift and don&#039;t think ahead of time.  If you&#039;re open, they will attack.  If not, they don&#039;t waste the time unless ordered to do so.  A demon and a fiend aren&#039;t really all that powerful.  They are limited on what they can do.  A strong one can attack physically, but most have to take someone over.  They are more likely to tempt, but that can be easy to counter.  

    Do you see this things everywhere or just in the two places you mentioned?  I understand schools, but the bus loses me.  Generally, they are attracted to violence and blood.  

    Depending on your religion, there are things you can do.  This gift can be annoying, but isn&#039;t bad.  Like bullies, try to ignore them.  Prayer can work, but it can also make them mad.  It isn&#039;t the prayer you say, it is the Faith in your heart that hurts them.  While the young lady said prayer works, the fact is that you can command them, through your Faith

    Having a friend with you, who understands, is a big plus.  There are others here who do too, even if they don&#039;t have the gift to see the things.  Those of us who can, understand the pain it can cause when others mock you.  If you think you can trust someone online, write them and talk.  We are strongest when we stand together, but even alone, we&#039;re not alone. :)

  6. dude! be careful maybe u are posessed or something havent u ever watched the exorcism of emily rose?? did u ever play with the ouija pr something like that? be careful really cause those things are not to play with tell you mom immediatly and go to psycology person and tell them what going on too so they can help. Maybe ur stressed or maybe it is serious. just reaallyyy be careful cause ive seen in the new of people who start like that then go crazy and then die.....sorry if im scaring you by the way lool is that im kinda worried for you haha but really tell your mom and pray to w.e god u believe to help and take that ugly feeling and visions away, dont say a prayer like dont repeat stuff just really tell them what you feel and how scared you are. hope everything turns out fine!

  7. if your not on drugs or drinking then you have a rare and unique ability congrats your a clairvoyant in other words you can see, maybe hear and communicate to the dead just be careful what you do actually if you and your other friend are the only ones that can see these black figures then both of you are clairvoyants or your just being haunted by some ghosts ignore them, bless the area your in, exorcism, move somewhere else, these are pretty much the only things you can do good luck  

  8. pray

  9. I think that the black figures you are seeing are demons. Therefore my advice would be to pray and ask Jesus Christ to protect you and your friend from all harm and danger.By praying I mean simply going somewhere privately and just talk to God (like you would a normal person) and ask him to protect you and your friend and to explain clearly why this is happening to you. I think you should also pray for the people at your school asking Jesus Christ to protect them from all harm and danger and ask God to protect them from demons and their influence. Demons are very evil spirits and they only want to hurt people. If anyone of them ever attack you or if you see them when you are at home you need to command them to leave you alone in the name of Jesus Christ. By commanding them I mean telling them forcefully as if you could see them (like you would a human being) to leave you and your house alone, using the name of Jesus Christ. Whenever you see them in public pray (you can pray in your mind) immediately asking God for his protection. You can also ask a pastor for his help and advice if you wish to. Take care!!!

  10. omg i am not the only one i have been seeing flashes of light and i know it is not my glasses

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