
Wtf is going on here?

by  |  earlier

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ok, now heres this girl at a party flirtin with me(YES!)

she continues to flirt with me at this party and then goes on to give me her number(YESYES)

then at school she continues to flirt with me, and also work.

we share messages n such via phone.

all seems to be goood,

then recently she just started ignoring me and wont even talk to me, lol now i dont give a f**k bout her, but i really want to kno wtf i did to ignore her, everything i just typed is the up there was basically it, is it cause i never tryed to take our relationship future?




  1. maybe you did not give her what she want.

  2. Try talking to her ask her why she is ignoring u

  3. text (yes) is only a way in (yes yes) if you are so unable to talk that you just kept texting (yesyes) she moved on to the dude she met at taco bell that had the nuts to go up to her and SPEAK

  4. Wouldn't it be simple to just ask her?

  5. Yeah, pretty much.

    If she gives you her real phone number and you don't try to set up some kind of date *soon*, it usually means to us that you're not really interested. She probably got frustrated and moved to greener pastures.

    And since you don't give a f**k, she was right.

  6. yea...she probly thought u didnt want to take it to the next level...girls dnt like guys that are shy...

  7. A lot of girls believe that playing hard to get is what is expected AND the shizznit.  It is a stupid game, I know.

    She might just be the kind of girl who likes to play the field, to try to get the best guy she can.  She might have hooked up with someone she thinks is better than you.

    If you want to make sure you still have a chance with her, maintain your interest until she tells you to go away.  That is the only way to make sure she is not playing hard to get.

  8. Some girls are just hard to deal with. Seriously you could have done everything right and still had it end up the same so I wouldn't spend time thinking about what you did wrong. Besides, if she had wanted to to take the relationship further, she should have done it herself. Sounds like you did nothing wrong to me.
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