
Wtf is with prego teens?

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okay, i have never heard about so many pregnaunt teens until i joined this site. seriously half of the girls in adolesence have like 3 kids and there 17 and its depressing because this is what our adults and seniors look at and im 13 and im not gonna sound like im bitchin' or anything but seriously, what does this show for our generation? why are all of you getting pregnaunt again and again and you know that if you dont wear a condom you are gonna get preggers and even if you have s*x, even with one, it could slip and you can get preggers. i just cannot believe it. look, you all are going to mess up your kids life by having kids so young. yeah it LOOKS like fun and stuff but the truth is that your parents are gonna be doing all the work and you arent going to do that well and stuff because its kinda hard to get a good job when you have to get a GED and get babysitters all the time.




  1. i totally agree with you!! i know like 4 girls [in 11th grade] that are pregnant and there were like 5 or 6 seniors that were pregnant and i bet there were lots of sophomores & freshman too. they keep getting younger & younger and society is starting to think that ALL teens are like those getting pregnant & that is NOT fair.

  2. I totally agree with you. I think its sick. I am 14 and still a virgin and is gonna be till marriage. I don't know why teens feel the need to have s*x I don't feel the need to anyway. My boyfriend is 17 and we have decided to wait till marriage, s*x shouldn't be on teens minds they should be concentrating on there school work and others things but not s*x. I don't shun anyone that has done it i tell them flat out that they made a STUPID MISTAKE.

  3. Yeah, suddenly there seem to be pregnant teens everywhere. It's getting a little annoying.

    Some of them do turn out to be wonderful parents though.

  4. And right above me is a prime example of a not so mature teenage mother.

    I don't's just society.  Everywhere anyone looks there's s*x.  Advertising, TV, in the car next to you, in school hallways, on the computer, everywhere.  They are just easily influenced by the world.

    But they make the mistake, they have to face the consequences.  Just let them be and let them ruin their own promising young lives.

  5. I bet you 90% of the kids on here are lying, so I think you should know that. And if you're a teen, then you probably shouldn't talk cause you haven't put yourself in that position. Do you know how annoying it is for people to judge you and know nothing about you? Geezus. I'm not pregnant, and have never been pregnant, but im not one to judge them, because I haven't BEEN them. So please. Stop worrying about them and go do something. >:(

  6. Must be something in the water? They're stupid but hey don't worry bout them u live ur life and DON'T be stupid and get pregnant. I know this 1 girl who wuz pregnant and had her kid the 1st week of her freshmen year and its mentally disabled. These stupid girls aren't thinking they just think its fun 2 have s*x and they're kids r like they're freakin trophies

  7. Listen here little girl-you have NO ******* idea,you don't know what the h**l you are talking about and I suggest that you go and learn how to spell before you give your ridiculous perspective on things.Not all teenage parents are failures,who the h**l do you think you are?I'm 25 y/o and not a teen but I am still so annoyed with the way you asked this question and the way you are stereotyping!How about you and these other people who think they know so much about teenage parenting go and learn something about the world before you go and judge people.

  8. well im 15 i had my first daughter at 12 then i went on the shot and i was drunk and used and and found out i was pregnant with my son he was born when i was 14 and i found the guy of my dreams i was on the shot andhe wore a condom i got pregnant with twins the were born 7 months ago and we are fine im roud to be a mom and wear i am the guys dont care if you have kids or not and im getting my diaploma so wat ever my kids love me

  9. okay excuse me!!! i got pregnant at 17 and had my daughter at 18 i am now going to be 19 in 19 days. And i have an 8 month old daughter soon to be 9 months.

    My parents and my boyfriends parents are not raising out daughter. My boyfriend works and buys everything we need for our self and our daughter. My boyfriend is 20 he finished high school . I am not going to work tell December cause that is when i will be done with high school not with a  GED a DIPLOMA. Yes it took me longer but i am getting it done. And i will be going to collage to become a nurse. of course it will take longer but it sure could be done.

    And i am not going to mess up my daughters life! Just because i am a teen parent you think my daughters lif is messed up? Please tell me how? I am giving my daughter everything she needs i am doing just as well as older adults!!!



    i love my daughter more than anything in the world. I give her just as much love as  older parents do to their babys. I would do anything for her. And i sure dont regret getting pregnant.

    And you are right is is not easy. Late nights, early mornings, leaving the store or a family or friends house when you baby starts to fuss but it could be done. Sometimes so poeple need the extra support cause they cant handle it cause thier babys dad left them but you know what it is better than getting a abortion

  10. Well i am 17 yrs old and yeah, i am a teen mom but you know what i just deal with it.  You are completly right on it looks like fun stuff and it looks easy but it is not.  Take my word, it is really complicated to deal with your son and school and friends and family but personally i think that even thought i am young and i have my son li am still a very good mother and i know for a fact that i am not messing my kid up, cause i am young- yeah righ i pay as much attention to my son as a 30 yr old and i give him as much as love as she would.  WHy in the world would a kid be messed up if he has a mother that loves him and gives him everything he needs.  My son is not missing anything and he is surrunded by love from me and his grandparents that personally i think he is not missing anything.   But their are some point that i do agree with you completely but keep in mind that BC doesnt always work 100% and condoms slip and rip and mistakes happend.

  11. How about you learn how to spell PREGNANT before you come on here and ask your questions.And just by the way there are some teenage parents who are responsible & mature enough to raise their children,so don't generlize.

    Yes,sure teenage pregnancy is on the rise and there are some very irrisponsible teenage parents but that doesn't mean that they are all doomed to be bad parents or that they are ruining their children's lives!I'm just so tired of all the judgement that is dished out from people who don't fully understand the situation.

  12. Just realize that that's a part of what represents our generation, pretty much, but that does not define YOU as a person.

    I wouldn't let it get to you. Just keep living your life the way you want =]

  13. I know exactly what you mean girl.  a good example is that group of gurls who made that pact and all them got prego. WTF? how dumb can u be? or they like stupid ? just sit down and have fun its plenty of time to have kids but idk. if they are going to be sexually active they need to use birth control or condoms or just abstain frm it all together

  14. omg please stop asking about teen and s*x and pergo

    it's their lives and their choose.

    I   AM  NOT  TIRING  TO BE  MEAN!!!!

  15. I agree. I'm 16, and I told my bf straight up, I'm waiting until marriage to have s*x, if it ain't cool with you, you can leave...but he was fine with it, and i don't ever worry about him cheating...anyway. They have s*x to fit in, out of curiousity, b/c boys cun girls.....and we STILL fall for the same old tricks...some girls really do want a baby, but they're too stupid to realize YOU HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF A CHILD.....i'm not bout to have nobody throwin up and pissin on me...lmao...i mean that's how parents need to have their young kids look at it....having a baby out of wedlock and having a baby at a young age, that's what they need to be aware of...not the "i'll dress my baby in cute lil clothes"....WHO IS GONNA PAY FOR IT???? i mean yes, my bf and i want  children but not now...i'm not gonna see my children as throwing up and burping machines...but that's one way to warn these young girls out here having s*x...i see it this way, when you're ready for a child, it's a beautiful thing, and all the baggage with it is gonna be alright b/c you were prep'd for it....but just out of the blue having one, it's gonna be's gonna be worse than you thought, and the whole throwin up and pissin on you thing will actually come to life b/c you're not seeing the good aspects, you're just regretting the things you did to create the child.

  16. there is NOTHING wrong with them.  clearly, they just didn't make a wise mistake. simply put.

  17. I'm 13 also and i think that it is horrible how young people want to have kids at such a early age...they have their whole like to produce babies but the just want to have them now....I'm still a virgin and i want to be 1 until i get married...!!!!

    but the truth is that people want babies so they can be their little accessories.....

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