
Wtf is wrong with my mom?

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Me, my mom, and my two sisters are planning to go to the beach.

Well, my mom said my boyfriend can go. (He just recently turned 19 and we've been dating for 8 months).

Anyways, a few days later, she says she doesnt want him to go because I have a 7 year old sister and my mom doesnt want my boyfriend sleeping in the same room as my little sister. And that made me mad. My mom was pretty much saying that my boyfriend was going to rape my little sister.

Wtf is wrong with my mom? Why does she think my boyfriend is going to rape my little sister?? He loves my whole family! I know he wouldnt do anything like that!!

And me and him have already been to the beach together once before with his mom. And my mom didnt say anything. So why is she acting like this now??




  1. It appears that you took her statement wrong.  To me, it sounds like she does not want to give you little sister the impression that it is okay for unmarried people sleeping together.  As a parent, some times we try to teach our children what's right and wrong, acceptable or not acceptable.  Even though you may not agree, I have to agree with your mom on this one.  I would never expose my daughters or sons to the living arrangments that your speaking.  Give her a break.

  2. Just because she said that she doesn't want your boyfriend sharing a room with your sister doesn't mean she thinks he is going to rape her! I am sure if your mom thought he would do something like that, she wouldn't even let the two of you date. Your sister is at an age where she's incredibly curious for one thing and it just isn't appropriate.

    It could give your sister the wrong impression. It's ok for her when she's a teen to sleep with a boy? Then we all know where that could lead in her mind...

  3. Well I know how you feel, she might though be using that as an excuss just to take your all without the boyfriend. Another thing she might have got a hair up her butt and watched dateline MSNBC on how to catch a preditor and is fearing for her daugthers at the moment. I would just say let it go.. you and your boyfriend will have many other days to go to the beach.. Talk to you mom and tell her i understand that you would be worried about another man anywhere in your young daugthers presence, Iam sorry we cant make this happen. Its ok and  maybe with time and  reasurance your mom will let it go.. You never know and also put yourself in your moms shoes, not your shoes. She is having a almost adult man sleeping in the same room as her daughter, she might already figure what goes on with you and him but deep down if you think about it you would be worried that and Iam not saying he would something could happen.....

    Its a crazy world and your mom knows that.

    I know you know your BF and it wouldnt happen but your mother doesnt. Give her some credit for careing.

    I wasnt allowed to have a man stay over with me at my parents house EVER or on vacation EVER. WE had to be married. So see some people are all diffrent

  4. because she's your mom and its her choice cause she is paying for every thing and honestly 8 months isnt c**p you really dont know the guy.

  5. U didnt say how old u are. anyway lets set a good example for your little sis

  6. Ask your mom why he can't sleep on the couch. I think your mom may have been abused as a child and is projecting her fears on you and your bf. Tell her she made a promise and should honor that. Ask her why she feels he may do something to your sister. Stand up to her! She should not make promises that she can't keep.

  7. moms are just confused people who try to do whats best for their kids. they tend to re-think and over think things.try not to be too hard on her

  8. as if your bf would sleep in the same room as your little sister! do you mean at a beach house or?

    anyway I would just talk to her and try and see her point of view rather then getting all mad. Maybe mention its good that you and your bf are spending time with family rather then going alone?

    anyway good luck i wd just talk to her and be upfront (keep the screaming, tears and outbursts to a minimum) lol

  9. wowww ok thts phucked up

  10. shes just being a mother...she doesnt want a man sleeping in the same room as your sister...shes not saying that hes gonna rape your sister...she just doesnt feel comfortable with the idea

  11. I dont think that "rape" was the word your mother had in mind! She is a mother! I honestly believe that I will NEVER allow my daughter to sleep in the same bed with a man until a ring is on the finger. Its more about respect then anythin!g!! My daughter is 7 years old and I dont allow the girl to ride her bike in a bathing suit top!! The world is sick! & wouldnt it be better if you avoided the situation of him being around your little sister when their is that type of fear in your mothers eyes? I would rather be safe then sorry! I dated a guy when I was 20 and he was 18 we had a daughter together, at my house we were allowed to sleep in the same room, at his house it was forbidden!! We even had a daughter together!! But, I respected that. It was her house and she paid for it! Me and her became the best of friends. Years later Me & her are best friends and she is like a mother to me!! Respect your mother for having that type of protection over your sister. Would you rather her be overly protected with your little sister or allow all of yut to sleep in a bed together and your little sister dream up something like he touched me?? I think that I would rather deal with him not being there this time vrs. dealing with everything that could possible come of this. Esp. when your already throwing the word "rape" around!!

  12. We could ask the same question about you. Don't even think of letting your boyfriend sleep in the same room as your sister. It not right.

  13. I know how it feels, parents are strange sometimes.  Mine and my bf's parents both forbid that we spend the nite together (i even offered that we leave the door open) yet they are happy for us that were moving in together.....

    Perhaps she heard a story from someone or saw a tv show on the news that made her suddenly distrust young men.  Who knows.

    Where are you staying at the beach?  If you are staying in a beach house, you could suggest he sleep in another room or on the couch.  If you're staying at a hotel maybe you and him could get a separate room together from the rest of your family.

    Some ppl are just never very trusting of anyone.  My psych prof. said that he and his wife redid their home so that when they had guests over- regardless of who it was- they locked their children's hallway doors and the only way to get to their children was for the guests to go through the master bedroom.  That way there could be no chance of anyone molesting their children

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