
Wtf please help i am so confused?

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ok im a 16 year old male. when younger i was always horny and i mean even way before puberty. once me and one of my guy cousins touched each other for about a minute till they told us to stop. we were about 6 years old when this happened. also when i was 10 till about 12 me and my other girl cousin we would be all over each other. also before this when i was about 8 i was playing wiith another kid and he got behind me and i would get an erection. so all my life i thought i was staright till i began wondering about 2 weeks ago and then i remembered all this. i woudl never and i still dont daydream or try to get the guys attention like i do with the girls. but ever since i wondered i saw g*y p**n and got aroused and now i can imagine being with a guy and get aroused. when i am with my guy friends i wont think anything unless i worry and then i think and imagine and get aroused but with girls i automatically feel like doing something like it just natural but with guys it is different. i have had gf and i really liked this girls the past year. i was very happy with my life till this confusion. but i am not sure if everything i have said proves am i horny btw i can get off all day seriously. or either it proves im bi. i always thought i was straight untill i wondered and then i remembered all that stuff. also after i wondered my s*x drive increases and now i can see myself having s*x with anyone. well wtf i am so confused i need to know if i have always been horny which is what i think or if i am bisexual. before all this confusion i would always say i coudlnt live without girls and was happy being straight and only thought girls ALWAYS even after those things happened when i was younger. but now idk and i have been worring a lot about it. i have asked here before and they tell me its hormones and i feel happy and stop worrying and then i keep making questions and believe i am bi and get gloomy. please help what do yall think i am. is this anything that can trluy help me determine my sexuality serious answers only..thanks. btw when i would go out because i havent in a while i would only look at girls and couldnt keep my eyes off. so yes i am always horny. i cant see life without s*x. which makes me think i am staright just really horny but i am not sure. i have also been told i am very open minded




  1. Bottom line is, you are 16 and are a little hormone factory! The wind blowing would make you horny! If you are curious about g*y s*x or straight s*x for that matter, all you can do is experiment and see if it is something you actually like or if it's just the thought of s*x, any s*x, that makes you horny!

    All too often a guy your age will be turned on by the thought of g*y s*x, but once he finds himself actually in the position to do it, he suddenly realizes he is not into it!

    BTW, next time you post a question, please break your thoughts up into paragraphs! One big, long, rambling, paragraph is hard to read and you repeat yourself a number of times as well!

  2. I grew up in a very similar situation and I am bi now dont worry you will figure it out.

  3. you need to go with what you feel i mean whatever excites you it is fine do not worry about straight or bi just do as you feel good doing  

  4. OK... for one thing... you need not allocate yourself to a sexuality and keep it locked up in a box never to change again.

    You dont need a label for it at all. Just do what you want with whoever turns you on. Enjoy yourself.. Explore your sexuality and embrace it. That's living.

    All this bullcrap about trying to work out whether you are one thing or another is confusing you. You are who you are... and you like what you like. Keep it simple for yourself... and stay horny dude.

  5. Please shorten this s**+... up. I think it is rather normal to have feelings of arousal when even in the company of your own s*x. You said that you like girls and are always horny. If you want to become a g*y man or feel you are a g*y man. Then you come out the closet earlier rather then later. If you think you will exclusively like girls then chill with them thoughts. I think about carpet munching sometimes and then remember did it and did not like it. If you are bi then it is what it is.

    That was too long you lost me halfway through.

  6. This doesn't make a lot of sense, it's like a rambling essay, but I think he thinks he is either bisexual or just really horny.

    A lot of people have thoughts about the opposite s*x and people the same s*x, but it doesn't mean they will act out their feelings (i.e. if you had feelings about a man, you're not going to try and kiss him), maybe you are just curious.

    You say you still like girls, so unless you are not at all turned on by girls, then you are not g*y. But it may change as you begin to find yourself attracted more and more to men.

    Either way no one can answer this question for you, we don't know you like you know yourself.

    You are still young so take time to explore, experiment, and find out what you like. There is no rush in growing up.

    And if it just so happens that you are bi or g*y or straight you should be happy that you took the time to discover for yourself and be comfortable with your choice.

  7. well im 27

    and no i do not think you are g*y

    or BI...

    at sum point of your life whether your a 6 year old male or 30...

    this question come into mind...

    and also you will some times have visions like this...

    you are def. not g*y in my book..

    jus try 2 think about the ladie and p***y...

    lol and i dont know if you could actually take d**k up the *** and like it and get hard off of it maybe you are g*y...

    but think of this...

    just because a boy gets behind you and you get hard doesnt mean your g*y at all...

    you may have jus been excited, and i dont know if this makes a difference but sometimes in porns the girl will rub 2 ***** together and they will get erect... (because thats just the way a p***s will work) doesnt mean they're g*y...

    so i hope your straight and good luck =)

  8. You should keep your question details BRIEF. No one here will actually read everything you just typed.

  9. okay , i have read everything you wrote . i understand how you feel .

    what you need to do its organize your ideas , fantasies and everything .

    write in a piece of paper , what do you like about girls and why . and in the other side write what do you like about guys and why .

    you said that when you were a little kid you used to get horny . but thats only when you are a kid , little kids always get excited even when they see someone kisssing .

    so you need to get organized . its not good being bisexual , you need to think straight , you are a man , man are meant to be with a woman . you dont wanna see yourself with a man too .

    and i think you would lose many of your friends if you would believe you are bisexual .

    you are straight , watch p**n with girls and guys . dont watch g*y p**n , dont get something that is not right in your head it can affect .

    please you are a man , dont waste all what a real man can be .

    Good Luck  

  10. It seems as though you are obsessing about this. Try to go and do some other activity immediately. No one will be able to satisfy you while you are in this state. Maybe you could read a book, watch some TV, go bowling. The answers will come to you with time and you can’t point and click time. I’m not trying to be harsh; it’s just that with the repeated posts, I thought that you could use a break.

    As far as your dilemma is concerned, ask yourself, if you could live with another man in a loving and committed way. Can you come home every day and kiss your husband? Can you build a life with another man? Is that your happily-ever-after?

    Good Luck

  11. well i read your very long detail and i think that you aren't g*y or Bi i think that you are straight. I think that if you have s*x with a girl a few times unless you feel uncomfortable for the first or second time then i would say  then you should try it with a guy and if you enjoy it then you are g*y. But if you enjoy it with the girl then i would say you are straight and don't go have s*x with a guy ok. I hope this helps you alot and good luck dude.

  12. Some of us do read the whole question :)

    I would love to talk to you further about this.  I think I have somethings that would help you

    feel free to email me


  13. Hi there.

    It sounds like you are rather confused and horny, indeed. Try to calm down; everything's alright.

    There isn't really anything I can tell you to do to determine your sexuality. You just have to sit back and wait for things to make sense to you. In the mean time, do what you want: Think about things that you like to think of, Interact with the people you want to, Call yourself what you want to.  

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