
Wth is my mom's problem? Did she gone mentally ill?

by  |  earlier

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About 2 days ago, I got my hair cut and she made my hair look so ugly. Anyways, long story, don't feel like typing out a whole essay here.

So I'm ignoring her like a silent treatment. She came to my room and start yelling at me for no reason. Then she wanted me to go outside with her and then got mad because I'm still ignoring her. After that, she started saying all these c**p about me. Why won't she just shut up? I'm ignoring her and she's acting like I want to talk to her.


Here's my previous post about my mom being immature and how my hair went :;_ylt=Au5_qEtbpZE..6XXZBYLwn7ty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080807223221AA4IQ51




  1. You look a nice person but your words don't sound nice.

    I do hope you & your Mother can achieve a better understanding of each other soon. Best wishes. UK

  2. She's your mother. Give her some respect yo.

  3. why is she cutting your hair?

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